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  1. #111
    Join Date
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    We are having a wonderful response to 3in7 people are signing up daily..

    You Don't Have To Pay For Any Advertisement To Get Signups.

    Just Follow Our Email Instructions On "How To" from our Team Experts

    Advertise For Free And With The 3in7 Guarantee - It Works!

    Read our Guarantee:
    In your first 7 days of joining Global Domains International (which offers a FREE 7 day trial)You will get at least 3 people to sign-up under you OR we at will pay your first months fees at GDI of $10

    Join Us today so We can Start!


  2. #112
    Join Date
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    Check out this piece of great news from GDI!

    Additional Domain Extensions are Now Available

    We're pleased to announce another big improvement our customers have been asking for!

    Customers now have the ability to register domains with extensions other than .WS. This means you are no longer limited to choosing from available .WS domains. Now people can choose from available domains with several extensions including .com, .net, .org, and .biz just to name a few.

    This exciting, new feature is located along the left sidebar from within your account. Simply click the Domains link and search for more domains using the search bar shown in the picture below.

    No, we are not abandoning .WS domains. We are the one and only official registry for all .WS domains on the planet, and we have a special place in our hearts for our .WS offering. At the same time, we realize not everyone wants to be tied to using a .WS domain. Now people who have been resistant to getting a domain no longer have this limitation.

    Additionally, many people want to be able to secure their domain in several available extensions to help protect their online presence. Previously, customers wanting to do this were forced to register their .WS domain with us, but go somewhere else to secure the same domain with other extensions. Now our customers can register all their domains regardless of extension from within their account with us.

    Stay tuned for more exciting improvements coming soon!

    Kindest Regards,

    The .WS Support Team
    Be sure to check out for my newest post on Firefox Plug-ins that are guaranteed to help you

  3. #113
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    We are having a wonderful response to 3in7 people are signing up almost daily..
    Are you still unsure if 3in7 would work for you?

    Well whats so special about signing up at 3in7 is that you are signing up with the Whole Winning Team..
    We are growing everyday. We have weekly updates and almost everyday there is a advertising tip given in the forums.

    With our 3in7 team you are not alone you will have a good upline and we will help you build a great downline.
    We are always here to help either in the forums or just email us anytime.

    Do not let this great opportunity of signing up with Our team pass you by any longer.... come aboard today..

    Saving time is of utmost importance in anything you do, even surfing the web. Check out my blog for some firefox add-ons that you are guaranteed to love.

  4. #114
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
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    Hi people!
    I have new downlines!

    WS Affiliates You have a new signup! Samir Darvesh just joined on level 2 . . . matasovic Thu Aug 06, 2007

  5. #115
    Senior Member roscd's Avatar
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    __________________________________________________ ________
    Welcome to 3in7/GDI~Together we can succeed. No one left behind~
    |__$$$$___$$$$__|Hi Friends, Congrats Teams and Welcome all New winners
    |_$$$$$$$$$$$$$_|Thinking about starting a home business?
    |_$$$$$$$$$$$$$_|Not sure where to begin?
    |__$$$$$$$$$$$__|Start your home business on a rock-solid base! Consider teaming up with us.
    |__$$$$$$$$$$$__|We've helped so many men and women ********* build successful home businesses.
    |___$$$$$$$$$___|And we can help you, too!!!
    |______$$$______|3in7 will put 3 GDI signups in your Downlines by 7 days or your first month
    |_______$_______|at GDI is FREE.. and Your referals will get that same guarantee
    |_______________|3in7 has been building my downlines Fast and deep.
    Join our awesome team here. as you can see we're very supportive and helpful. Our team is getting new members almost on a daily basis, our program is working and we are all on OUR way to financial freedom and SUCCESS, Join our 3in7 team and we'll bring you along!To Our Success,
    To Our Success,
    ~Roseddie~ :)
    3G=M (Great Team + Great Leaders + Great Sponsors = More Signups)

  6. #116
    Senior Member roscd's Avatar
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    __________________________________________________ ________
    Welcome to 3in7/GDI~Together we can succeed. No one left behind~

    If you can't become successful with GDI, there is a chance you will not become successful with any other Home Based Business"
    Top GDI Affiliate: Scott Reese, Goshen, VA

    "GDI is the most simple Home Based Business Opportunity on the planet!"
    "There is simply No Easier, Cheaper to join, Global Income Opportunity out there, that does NOT require you to purchase expensive autoships month after month. In fact you are not even required to sell anything either! Our Presentation does the selling for you!"
    "GDI is unique and has NO competition in the home business industry."
    This is NOT "get-rich-quick" business.
    Thinks of your future. The opportunity to actually make life long commissions to you.
    This is your ticket to financial freedom.
    To Our Success,
    ~Roseddie~ :)
    3G=M (Great Team + Great Leaders + Great Sponsors = More Signups)

  7. #117
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    We are getting a great response to 3in7 and a lot of people are seeing the ability that 3in7 has to build your downlines not only for you but for your referrals too.

    Just follow in our footsteps of posting on the forums to get the word out & soon your success will come! You have a great uplines, we're always here for help either in our pm or in the forums.

    Join Us today so We can start to grow your downline!


  8. #118
    Junior Member feldon's Avatar
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    Success is generally due to holding on, and failure to letting go.

    Will YOU be a success or a failure?

    It all depends on how much pluck and perseverance you have.

    Remember the Chinese proverb:

    “With time and patience the mulberry leaf becomes silk”.

    Let us help you turn the “mulberry leaf” of your business into “pure silk.”

    If you have tried GDI without much success, DON’T GIVE UP !

    Instead join our 3 in 7 team and let us show you how to turn failure into success.

  9. #119
    Senior Member roscd's Avatar
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    __________________________________________________ ________
    Welcome to 3in7/GDI~From Beginner to Beginner~
    |_____________|Hello team and friends.
    |______$______|Please welcome to our new members Robert and Janet
    |_____$$$_____|We are progressing and winningteam.
    |_$$$$$$$$$$$_|We are progressing daily!!!
    |__$$$___$$$__|We are willing to help you anytime
    |__$_______$__|Be Consistent...
    |_____________|Be Patient...
    |_____________|And Persistance...
    Wow...this month I have 2 new signups..
    WS Affiliates Congratulations! Robert Weems just joined on level 1 .roseddie 13 Aug 2007
    WS Affiliates Congratulations! Janet Higgins just joined on level 2. roseddie 13 Aug 2007
    Shoot for that goal. Don't let anyone or anything stand in your way. Make it happen.
    Our team will work side by side with those who decide to take some action with us, and If you'll just commit to do some actions with us, regularly, we all put together our efforts to make sure that you too see similar results as we do
    Together we achived our goals. Thank you again.
    To Our Success,
    ~Roseddie~ :)
    3G=M (Great Team + Great Leaders + Great Sponsors = More Signups)

  10. #120
    Senior Member roscd's Avatar
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    May 2007
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    Welcome to 3in7/GDI~Together we can succeed. No one left behind~
    |_______________|Hello Friends!!! :)
    |______________$|Welcome to our new members to our team.
    |_____________$_|We are progressing and winning team.
    |___________$$__|Think Positive!
    |__________$$___|Dream It!
    |_________$$____|Believe It!
    |_______$$$_____|Achieve It!
    |$___$$$$_______|Start your own Internet businessfrom home.
    |_$$$$$$________|income to create real wealth.
    |__$$$$_________|World Wide Income System that REALLY WORKS!
    |___$$__________|FREE Training and support, websites and products all provided! - ZERO RISK!
    Our Guarantee:
    In your first 7 days of joining Global Domains International (which offers a
    FREE 7 day trial)
    You will get at least 3 people to sign-up under you OR we at will
    pay your first months fees
    at GDI of $10!
    ~Roseddie~ :)
    3G=M (Great Team + Great Leaders + Great Sponsors = More Signups)

  11. Sponsored Links
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