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  1. #141
    Member chews's Avatar
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    congrats on our new sign up Monica C.!

    wow 3 level 1 sign ups within ONE week! that's what i am talking about!

    join GDI today if you're ready to make a monthly income for life!

    host your own website with GDI or just use it as an income earner.

    to learn more about this amazing opportunity, watch the movie about GDI.

    try GDI for 7 days for FREE!

    got questions? we got answers. email me at [email protected]


  2. #142
    Member money4us's Avatar
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    I'm sure you've heard of Global Domains International. If you haven't, take a look at a short Video presentation about GDI.

    What 3in7 offers is an exceptional way to market GDI.

    3in7 Guarantee's that if you don't have 3 GDI referrrals in 7 days your first 30 days at GDI are free and after that GDI is only $10 a month.

    So by the time your done with the 37 day free trial you'll have your downlines started or in the 7 days you'll have your 3 downlines already..
    It's a win win situation.

    Come, become part of the 3in7/GDI and find out for yourself how this entire team of active promoters can help you and your referrals to do their part.

  3. #143
    Member chews's Avatar
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    congrats to another new sign up today, Kingsley M.!

    two sign ups in two days! woah!

    GDI and 3in7 is the way to go to make money online!

    make a monthly income for life that will never decrease!

    join now and get a 7 day free trial.

    this system really works and everyone should try it!

    got questions? we got answers. email at [email protected]

    what are YOU waiting for?

  4. #144
    Member chews's Avatar
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    want to start a home business and give yourself a monthly income for life?

    let me show you how YOU CAN with GDI and 3in7.

    join my team and you will get the first 7 days with GDI free!

    take a chance and for once, be open minded and you can see what this online money making system can do for you.

    got questions? we got answer. email me at [email protected]

    what are YOU waiting for?

  5. #145
    Member chews's Avatar
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    congrats to our new sign up maggie b on level 1!

    GDI is amazing and it really works!

    great for home business and working just a few hours a day!

    make an income for life with GDI and 3in7!

    only for 10$/month, but make tons more once you join!

    take a chance, think outside the box for once, join GDI now for a 7 day FREE trial!

    what are YOU waiting for?

  6. #146
    Member money4us's Avatar
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    GDI is Big and getting Bigger everyday and wow what a Team !
    JOIN us today and see what I mean and see your PROFIT. Yes, INCOME FOR LIFE!

  7. #147
    Senior Member fendert12's Avatar
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    GDI is a state of the art website, domain and hosting service that include a free unlimited income opportunity that does the selling for you! Global Domains International otherwise known as, began in 1999 when owners Michael Reed and Alan Ezeir contracted with the tiny island nation of Samoa, located in the South Pacific, to sell their .ws extensions for them. The entreprenuers choose this .ws extension because it could stand for "web site", and Samoa was interested in taking their .ws extension globally. GDI set up a 12 year contract with 1rst right to continue with the Samoans, so we expect GDI to be around for a very long time!

    Global Domains International has had a lot of success over the past few years selling domain names, hosting, and much more. Do you think that you have what it takes to follow in their footsteps? When it comes down to it, the founders of Global Domains International are just like you. The only difference is that they took the time to chase their dream. After all, there is plenty of money to be had in the world today. But without the persistence to reach for the stars, it is safe to say that you will never achieve the success of Global Domains International.

    The great thing about GDI is that they teach others how to make money on auto-pilot. Well, you may have to put in a little bit of work, but not nearly as much as you would with other home businesses. Just like any other opportunity, once you are established with the Global Domains International system, you will have the chance to make money from the comfort of your own home. And of course, the money making system does pretty much all of the work for you.
    If you have been on the internet for any length of time looking at business options you will eventually come across someone promoting GDI to you. So this article is to answer some of the basic questions about GDI. Is this Business opportunity a scam? Do they have a product or service that is worthwhile? What is the potential of this opportunity? I will seek to answer these questions as objectively as possible.

    If you have come to this article you are probably already considering whether GDI is a serious business opportunity or a scam! To determine if GDI is a scam the first question one must ask is are they marketing a worthwhile product or service or are they just another MLM designed to take your money without giving you anything other than promises of great rewards and riches? The answer yes they have a genuine product/ service. In this case web hosting.
    The Service Outlined

    GDI provide a web hosting service. It is true you can get free website hosting on the net, in fact this very article is an example of a free web host and you can get good results from them, but there are a number of things you sacrifice.

    Firstly if you are using a free web host provider there is always some form of cost, normally they require you to carry free ads on your site. (web1000 is an exception but you can't even put banners on it and its editor is painful to use).

    While having ads on your website at first this may not seem to be a problem, consider this, if you want this site to be your main business portal and hub, you may end up advertising your biggest competitor, not a smart move. You don't have ownership of your site. You may own the intellectual material but if the free web hoster changes their rules, goes out of business or just updates the way their system works there is not a thing you can do about it. Even with blogger you have to share your adsense revenue with them 50-50. That's why I recommend if you are serious about having an online business your main site be one that you own and that means paying for it.

    In the case of GDI this means $10 a month. For that you get a web site, 10 pages, 10 e-mail addresses and a domain name, its also includes a domain/site builder, domain and e-mail forwarding, use your own web builder, parking service. However each page can have a huge amount of data. The 10 e-mail address means if you have 10 different businesses, affiliates programs or whatever you can devote an individual e-mail to each one and can with the forward even arrange to have them forwarded to a single box.

    The other great advantage is the ability to choose a domain name. Most of the good .com names are long since gone. Further in the case of many of the other endings like .au, .us, .uk, etc many companies exist solely in buying up the best domain names to make a killing selling them to someone else at highly inflated prices. GDI with the .ws avoids this pitfall by ensuring the domain name is not sold as a separate entity, but only with the web hosting service. This stops domain name hording in its tracks. .ws is still new and now is the time to get the domain name you want. No additional $20 yearly fee for just the domain name registration.
    The Business Opportunity

    The fact is not everyone out there needs a web host. Let's examine why one has a website. Normally one either has a website for one of two reasons - BUSINESS or PERSONAL.

    In the case of personal websites many people want their own personal e-mail addresses and have a website for a number of reasons, stay in touch with family with an open letter, express their beliefs or opinions on a world stage, to satisfied their own ego and sense of importance, create photo albums, join a community, etc. Some people will pay the $10 a month to have a website. As time progresses I think this will increase as more and more people become web aware and want to have their own address/ place on the web. With the highly transitive nature of the human population with greater movement than ever before in the history of the world one of the best ways people will be able to stay in contact with friends will be via the net. Consider how many people from school you know twenty years later. Have you moved city, state, country, if you have you probably have lost contact with them. If you wanted to track them down how would you? I know I would do it via the web. This will be increasingly easy as people have personal web pages.

    In the case of a website for Businesses most companies have a website for further advertising their company, some do have direct sales as well over the net, and some are nothing but internet based businesses, e.g. Ebay. In the case of a small first time business wanting their own website GDI is not a bad option as it also gives them a source of secondary income.

    It has the potential to be a good source of income as each person you bring in gets you $1 a month. Not a huge amount really, you would need 10 people just to pay for you hosting fee, but the winner here its that you get a $1 for each person they introduce down to five levels, the power to leverage the work of those below you is what appeals here. That can result in some good returns. You won't become a millionaire over night, but you can have a great income stream.

    That’s it for today! So for more information please check out my website you will find videos about GDI, samples of the tools you need to build your GDI business (I will give you many other interesting tools as soon as you join my team). You will also find another optional business (gibLink) that has nothing to do with GDI but I highly recommend it if you want to make Huge income even if you remain a passive member. Well, if you want to join a great team you may consider signing up with me.

    To your success!

  8. #148
    Senior Member fendert12's Avatar
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    Join GDI/3in7 today!...Join now before you get left behind

    There's an explosion going on in the domain industry on the Internet. It's called Global Domains International, otherwise known as GDI or, and if you havn't heard of it yet, you will soon!
    In short, Global Domains International offers excellent domain name availability, instant registrations, 24-hour global DNS activation and secure domain management and editing.

    Started in 1999, by Internet entrepreneurs Michael Reed and Alan Ezeir, GDI has been successfully taking the Internet by storm in the area of domain names and web site services. Originally offering the domain name extension, .ws, these entrepreneurs have been quickly building a domain empire. By incorporating their own free high-tech sales video into each domain account in Global Domains International, the videos have been used and personalized instantly by each Global Domains International independent sales representative to generate new accounts 24/7. Since these new accounts are set up instantly, this has allowed the company to acquire new business and grow incredibly fast. In fact, GDI has recently been named number 37 on Inc magazine's list of the top 500 fastest growing companies (the "Inc 500 List"), making Global Domains International poised to become the largest company the industry has ever seen.

    "Location, location, location" is as important to the real estate industry as a domain name is to the Internet. One of the best things about GDI domain names is that they are abundant. Domain names are the human-friendly forms of Internet addresses, and are commonly used to identify and find web sites. The primary purpose of domain names is to create addresses that are easier to remember and use than numbers. Domain names are ordinary words, letters, or numbers that signify the location of a web site on the Internet, such as "*****tore". More important than anything when talking about domain names, is availability, and this is where GDI excels. Domain names are registered on a first-come, first-served basis. GDI, being the newer kid on the block, offers many more unique domain names that may no longer be available from extensions like .com or .net.

    Domain names are very important for any online business. They can contribute a lot towards the success or failure of a web site. More than a web address, relevant domain names are an important element of a successful Internet marketing strategy. Relevant domain names are high quality names that contain generic key words or key word phrases that are descriptive of an industry, a business or specific products or services. Relevant domain names are not only memorable, they influence a site's ranking in search engines. URL is the abbreviation for, "Uniform Resource Locator", a term that identifies a web site address on the Internet. A site URL containing the phrase, "convertible cars" has a higher possible correlation, and thus, a higher possible ranking to the key word search for "cars" than a URL without that key word match.

    With the 2007 most recent count of web sites reported to be a whopping 12.8 million and growing, the demand for the kind of relevant domain names available from GDI, is exploding as well.

    If you would like to learn more about GDI, you may watch a short informational video at: .Well, if you want to join a great team you may consider signing up with me.

    To your success!

  9. #149
    Member money4us's Avatar
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    Don't wait for Christmas to make this present to your family!

    Don't wait for New Year to make some resolutions!

    Act NOW! You can start earning money online, like we do this.

  10. #150
    Senior Member fendert12's Avatar
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    Just moments from now, without spending any money at all, you will be able to refer people to this movie yourself. You will have a WEB PAGE that will be tracked to YOUR ID and you will be able to give it to anyone on the planet.

    You may think that starting a home business is out of reach, but nothing could be further from the truth. With the help of Global Domains International you will be well on your way to making big money from home. The company is on the rise, and is growing faster than many of the biggest names in the business world. Backed by experience and a fail proof system, Global Domains International is your ticket to making a lot of money with a home business.

    Overall, Global Domains International offers an at home system that can help you earn money 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If this is what you have been looking for, you should consider getting involved with the ever popular Global Domains International system.

    PS: btw, ... You have a new signup! stuart longridge just joined below you!
    Welcome Stuart to our great team!

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