I am not the admin of the program.


We provide a service
to sell downloadable
items such as:
Software, eBooks, music, movies, digital art, manuals, articles, certificates, forms, files, and anything else that can be downloaded. Our automated service delivers your products to your customers instantly after payment. Our system operates using PayPal's online payment system and Google Checkout. Our sellers see an average 1,000% increase in sales using our service.
Learn More

PayLoadz Benefits
Free lifetime Basic Account
First month free for all Premium Accounts
Secure file storage on our servers
Automated delivery of your digital goods immediately after payment
Sell anywhere online: your own site, our Store, eBay and more.
Affiliate Builder, a fully-functioning affiliate tracking and payment system
Supports Downloads and CD fulfillment

best digital goods

Make a Live Purchase for $.01

Try the demonstration account to see how easy it is to begin selling in minutes

PayLoadz Express lets you sell quicker and easier than anywhere

Watch a video of the customer purchase and download process

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.