- Canava - canava.biz
- 5miner - 5miner.com
- Oil 50 Days - oil50days.com
- Bitcoin160 - bitcoin160.com
- CryptoStar - Cryptostar.biz
- Instantaneous - instant-aneous.net
- EZ-Earning - ez-earning.com
- EzProBit - ezprobit.com
- Toolbit - toolbit.biz
- unlfx - unlfx.com
- Sportsmoney - sportsmoney.biz
- Bintraders - Bintraders.biz
- enocoin - enocoin.org
- SpringFunds - Springfunds.biz
- BTC4INVEST -www.btc4invest.net
- Aps-Bank - aps-bank.com
- 4xhours - 4xhours.com
- Forexop - Forexop.net
- King-Coins - king-coins.biz
- 1DreamAlliance - 1dreamalliance.com
- Uprofit - uprofit.org
- Royal Trading - royal-trading.biz
- Indocean Developers - indoceandevelopers.com
- Cashprofit LTD cashprofit.org
- 7daygold - 7daygold.com
- BitTime.Club - bittime.club
- Bitcoin-Mining-Ltd - bitcoin-mining-ltd.com
- Etherno.Tech - etherno.tech
- perfectdeposit--perfectdeposit.biz
- Solar-Inv - Solar-Inv.com
- Cash Profit - cashprofit.org
- Growpays - growpays.com
- Traditek LTD - traditek.com
- TrinInvest - Trininvest.com
- btcproinvest - btcproinvest.com
- Altcointrading - Altcointrading.org
- CoinTrade - cointrade.biz
- 1fxclub - 1fxclub.com1fxclub - 1fxclub.com
- Robo Iinvest - robo-invest.ru
- ByeOption - byeoption.com
- Cryptogreen - cryptogreen.com
- Star Paying - starpaying.com
- Platinum Reserve Limited - platinumreserve.biz
- Pay Jing LTD - payjing.com
- BtcRapid - BtcRapid.Biz
- E PRO - e-pro.biz
- Payourfans - payourfans.com
- ABCForex - abcforex.biz
- L-Electric - l-electric.org
- Finebitcoin - finebitcoin.com
- Hourlycool - Hourlycool.com
- BtcGreat - BtcGreat.com
- BinTraders - bintraders.biz
- Passive Volution - Passivevolution.com
- Global Expo Traders - globalexpotraders.com
- PROFIT4 - Profit4.us
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- Greenenergyinv - greenenergyinv.com
- Aub-group - Aub-group.biz
- Option-Inv - option-inv.com
- Rich Capital FX - richcapitalfx.com
- Hentay Invest - hentayinvest.com
- Theminers - Theminers.biz
- Business Capital - Business-capital.net
- Wozz-Capital - wozz-capital.com
- Sportal King - sportalking.biz
- Bitday - Bitday.biz
- Pegasus Trading Management - Pgs-oil.com
- COIN GENERATOR INC- coingen.biz
- pimpmycoin - pimpmycoin.com
- TwoDailyClub - twodailyclub.com
- moneypallas - moneypallas.com
- SafeCoins - safecoins.biz
- Pell-money - pell-money.com
- AttoTrade - attotrade.com
- RiseUP - riseup-inc.com
- SafeCoins.biz - from 2.50% Daily 90 days
- Jayce-Pyro - jayce-pyro.site
- Coinpayments Bid - coinpayments.bid
- Hourly Investment - hourlyinvestment.net
- Incor Partners - incor-partners.com
- Planet 8 - planet8.biz
- Planet8 - planet8.biz
- Mezz-Cash - mezz-cash.com
- 2xbitcoin - 2xBitcoin.com
- fx-bit - fx-bit.net
- Global Financial Strategy - gfstrategyltd.com
- RealBtc - realbtc.biz
- BtcBerry - btcberry.com
- InstaCoins - instacoins.biz
- Gamersking - Gamersking.com
- paybigbitcoin - paybigbitcoin.com
- ProfitSafe - profitsafe.biz
- Profit Safe - profitsafe.biz
- ZINC7 - zinc7.cc
- Bitcoin Allianz - bitcoinallianz.com
- Lighttrade - Lighttrade.biz
- Beer Bank - beerbank.biz
- Investlifetime - Investlifetime.com
- TRADINPROFIT - tradinprofit.biz
- Hourly Best - hourly.best
- Hashier.io - Daily from 5.00%
- BTCBank - btcbank.io
- theinvestmen - theinvestmen.com
- BiznessInvestements - biznessinvestements.com
- Instafast Ltd - instafast.biz
- Woso-Cash - woso-cash.com
- dwjon - dwjon.com
- Zypher FX - zypherfx.com
- PayHour - payhour.biz
- depositclub - depositclub.biz
- 2xmybtc - 2xmybtc.com
- U-CoinPro LTD - u-coinpro.com
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- Coin Net - coin-net.biz
- Caviar Invest - caviar-invest.biz
- Porno Hyip - porno-hyip.com
- Lendofx - lendofx.com
- Biter365 - Biter365.com
- FxAbc - fxabc.co
- My Coin Bank - mycoinbank.biz
- TitanLTD - titanltd.biz
- Crypto Capital Alliance - cryptocapitalalliance.com
- Comak-Finance - comak-finance.com
- AlphaBusiness - alphabusiness.biz
- BITCOIN CLOUD MINING - pushclouds.cc
- earnkip - earnkip.com
- Star-Trading-LTD - star-trading-ltd.com
- BTC4INVEST - www.btc4invest.net
- BTC4INVEST - www.btc4invest.net
- S CAPITAL - scapital.io
- RMZ-bank - rmz-bank.com
- Millari Finance - Millarifinance.com
- Oil Iran - oil-iran.com
- Coin MS LTD - coinms.com
- Quick-Margin - quick-margin.com
- Cst70 - Cst70.com, Cst70 - cst70.com
- Bits2u - Bitcoins Invest Site!
- zero-1one - zero-1one.biz
- Turnover Coins - turnovercoins.biz
- Crypto Capital Alliance - cryptocapitalalliance.com
- Cryptoplay-Cryptoplay.bz
- Flodinal LTD - flodinal-ltd.org
- 2xBitcoin - 2xbitcoin.com
- Emax-Fund - emax-fund.com
- Rocket BTC - rocketbtc.biz
- CherryPool - cherrypool.biz
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- 2 Coins World - 2coinsworld.com
- ROPMONEY - www.ropmoney.com
- MYCOINSIN - www.mycoinsin.biz
- BTC4INVEST - www.btc4invest.net
- 2coinsworld - 2coinsworld.com
- Airbender - airbender.company
- Hourlybitpro -hourlybitpro.biz
- Crypto-Evolution - crypto-evolution.com
- Crypto-Evolution - crypto-evolution.com
- BlitzFunds - blitzfunds.com
- Investorsbitcoin - Investorsbitcoin.info
- Fusionfocus - fusionfocus.biz
- Cyberbitrix - Cyberbitrix.com
- stable-gain - stable-gain.com
- Sero-bank - sero-bank.com
- EuropeWealth - europewealth.biz
- Doublergame - Doublergame.com
- Profitcoinhourly - Profitcoinhourly.com
- Bitexplosion - bitexplosion.com
- larawithme-larawith.me
- dream-plane - dream-plane.com
- Gold Venture - goldventure.net
- Frosine - frosine.com
- BTC4INVEST - www.btc4invest.net
- Cryptos - cryptos.biz
- Faucetminer - faucetminer.tech
- Skymaxfunds - skymaxfunds.com
- BlockProfits - blockprofits.com
- Vortex Bit - vortexbit.biz
- Syn Vestment - synvestment.biz
- Modji - modji.biz
- Omega-Cash-omega-cash.top
- Cryptoinvestment - cryptoinvestment.net
- Oron-Fund - oron-fund.com
- Roi Btc - roibtc.com
- ROIBTC - roibtc.com
- Tatc.—btcom.co.jp
- Betting Inv - bettinginv.net
- SE Investing - se-investing.com
- Bin Pamm - binpamm.com
- Ads Company - Ads-company.com
- LegacyFinance - legacyfinance.biz
- Animal-World - animal-world.cc
- Coinmat - coinmat.net
- Black GoldInv - blackgoldinvestement.com
- Coinow - Coinow.org
- BotsFamily.com - Daily from 1.20%
- Unorex - unorex.biz
- Expert Trade Corporation Ltd - expert-trade.net
- Hoursbtc - Hoursbtc.com
- BTC Finance - btcfinance.biz
- Btс Finance - btcfinance.biz
- Crypto Palas - cryptopalas.biz
- BTCloud---btcloud.org
- Worex-INV - worex-inv.com
- Damez-Fund - damez-fund.com
- BTC4INVEST - www.btc4invest.net
- darklight.online - darklight
- BTCloud---btcloud.org
- Finalways Limited (UK Company) - finalways.com
- Beatrise Ltd - beatrise.org
- Bits Invest - bitsinvest.com
- Bit Fin - bitfin.club
- Bit X - bitx.space
- Btcbyte - btcbyte.com
- BitInvest - BitInvest.co
- King Dom Fx - kingdomfx.biz
- KingDom Fx - kingdomfx.biz
- Coinify - coinify.me
- CryptoCraft - cryptocraft.biz
- a-investclub - a-investclub.com
- invbitcoin - invbitcoin.com
- Adrenalin - adrenalin.guru
- Bitfinest - Bitfinest.com
- BitHashLtd - bithashltd.biz
- Paragon Group - paragoncorporation.biz
- Crypto Kingdom - cryptokingdom.biz
- Privat-Alliance - privat-alliance.com
- BitHashLtd - bithashltd.biz
- CoinGoldInvest - coingoldinvest.com
- OffShore-inv - offshore-inv.biz
- Xozz-Fund - xozz-fund.com
- Genuine Hash - genuinehash.com
- GenuineHash - genuinehash.com
- BTC Global Investments - btcglobalinv.com
- Xera - xera.biz
- Bitaisal - Bitaisal.cc
- Prime Investment - primeinvestment.net
- Pok Cash - pokcash.com
- Top Legitimate - toplegitimateforexhyipprograms.com
- Ebitrich - ebitrich.com
- BTCloud - btcloud.org
- Cryptokingdom - cryptokingdom.biz
- BTC Invest - btcinvest.biz
- Sushipalas - sushipalas.biz
- Gold-Club - gold-club.biz
- MajesticGlobal - majesticgloballimited.com
- BTCloud---btcloud.org
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- Inv-Coin - inv-coin.com