5 Myths That Prevent You from Being in Control of Your Finances

A crisis can strike at any time and it can bring damage to your personal finance structure. But, if you’ve built it on a solid platform with constant income sources, positive balance, money back-up funds, there will be a while before the external crisis will affect your personal budget.

The lack of interest towards personal finance matters is the first possible factor for an unstable situation that can lead to financial crush. The lack of interest is the lack of control; and as the old saying goes: “if you don’t control money, it will control you

Lack of Control
People have systems of beliefs that prevent them from having a healthy financial behavior. They seem to forget that if you don’t help yourself, nobody will. Having a detailed structure of your personal finance is a great tool to avoid getting into trouble. But there are plenty amongst us who live in partial or complete denial, because they have a set of popular beliefs, that I think are wrong, like:

  • If you work and you are honest, you should have enough money
  • The government has the duty to help you
  • Uncle Sam has to give you a job!
  • If you lack money, you can always borrow
  • You will work it out somehow!

This set of “values” inherited from our parents, heard from our neighbors and gleaned from our friends, creates a sensation of fake control over your personal finance. The fact that there aren’t so many out there who had severe issues caused by the lack of money make you believe that this will never happen to you too! After all, there are so many people out there, who have a much worse financial situation, right?

Honest Work
The economic reality in which we live in today is based on the cruel law of profit. The companies, whether they are private or national, follow a single purpose – to increase profits. As a consequence, they will try to minimize costs. A very important section of the costs consists of employees’ salaries. What happens today, when in many activity fields the salaries drop dead, is pretty eloquent for the situation that we all face. Therefore, honest labor hasn’t anything to do with economic calculation.

The Government Must Help Us
Huh? The Government has “the duty to survive”. It’s a system that wants to preserve its equilibrium state and will do whatever it takes to keep it that way. Even if we are being given the image of caring presidents and senators, truth is that their main task is to keep the monetary system active. And we are nothing else, but ordinary bricks in this giant wall.

In the present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem. Government is the problem. — Ronald Reagan

Uncle Sam Has to Give You a Job
The Government will give you a job only when he will have something to win out of this. This will be nothing more than a clever move to reduce the social tensions in order to balance the economic field. They don’t give us jobs because they love us but because they are helping the nation as a whole. On the other hand, not everybody will get a job. And you may or may not be the unfortunate one. Are you ready to face that situation? Is your financial level of education big enough so that you could start acting on your own?

You Can Always Borrow
First of all, who will give you money, if you don’t have any income sources? And, how long do you think you could leave out of loans; then take out more loans to pay the initial ones? Do you want to get in this never-ending debt circle? Don’t let this assumption affect your life and irreversibly mutilate it.

You Will Work It Out
You can do it once, twice… What happens if there are multiple crisis happening at the same time and all affecting your personal finances? Don’t let things get out of your control and treat your personal funds as seriously as you can. Be sure to check all your income sources as well as what you’re spending money on. Start having a disciplined financial behavior, by following these rules of thumbs:

  • Make short, medium and long term plans for your personal finances
  • Watch your cash flow closely (how much you earn; how much you spend
  • The family’s budget
  • Control your shopping desires and don’t let them convert into daily needs.

For this, you will need to be:

  • Motivated
  • Disciplined
  • Persistent
  • Responsible
  • Realistic
  • Strong

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You Are The Best Investment

“Formal education will make you a living; self-education will make you a fortune.”Jim Rohn, entrepreneur, motivational author

The education that we get in schools is more likely to prepare us for an employee type of life. Yes, it gives you a living, but it won’t make you rich.

If you want to succeed in your life, or in your career, it is advisable to rely upon the single solid and secure thing in your whole existence – yourself! By this I mean – You and Your knowledge. What there is inside yourself, what you know belongs to you and nobody can take that away. You can lose money, power, position, a job place, a business, but you will never lose the experience and the acquired know-how. Even better, you can always improve them.

That’s why it is good not to expect help from others or to get everything what you want when you want it. If there’s a support for you, that’s great, but don’t rely solely on that for solving your daily issues or for getting you a job. Everything that you need in order to succeed is within yourself. You are an intelligent person who knows what you wants, who has all the necessary tools for being successful.

You have to be your biggest investment. I’m not necessarily talking about money, but about time and energy. If you want to buy some self-improvement books or subscribe to some seminars and workshops, all these takes effort. It’s all up to you to say if it worth it or not. On the other hand, you can still be an employee, and learn from everything around you, so that someday you could make your own company.

The Internet. It has so much information in it that you just get lost in the woods if you’re not sure what you’re exactly looking for. Do you fancy having your own business and quitting your boring job? Then you have to be prepared to invest time in your own personal growth. What is it that you like? Do you know what your passions are?

The first step would be to realize what is it that you like to do the most. After that, you can try to gather all the information that you can get, at first, for free. Avoid all those “Learn how I made 50 000$ in one week!” proposals, as it will only shift you from your path. Let’s say you have a passion for training dogs. How will you make a product or business out of that?

Make a website. After that, try to get into online communities that are already specialized on this. See what you could do to bring in some value. Put passion in what you’re doing and you will soon discover how thrilling it is to have a thing that belongs only to yourself, and was created by you. You don’t have any overdue task and you don’t have to be bullied anymore by scary deadlines.

Use the free time that you (still) have to learn how you could make a business out of the things you like, whether we’re talking about dog training or hand-made products. You don’t even realize how much you’ll win if you’ll decide to start investing in yourself. Take advantage of every situation that there is to enhance your skills.

I’m not saying that you should quit your day-job and start dreaming with your eyes open. Even more, if the company that you work for sends you for a specialization course, seminar, conference, team-building; any other event of this kind, you must use it to learn new things that will help you to add more value to your own persona. You don’t have to be passive or bored. This is a change to meet more people and to make a good impression on them.

Don’t forget that each and every information you acquire, the skills that you have; they are all yours, nobody can take them, nobody can steal them.

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Having A Business and Managing Your Personal Finances

A business is the fruit of personal finance tree

Your personal business isn’t just another source of income for your personal finance. It can deliver saving solutions/methods for your previous budget plan. A successful business can make you financially independent for many years, if you know how to manage and to organize your finance plan. Start a business with your “available money”. Don’t hurry and take out loans, as that could transform into the killer of your business and make you a debt slave. Start small and grow step-by-step. This is how you will be able to allocate funds to the growth of your business on a monthly basis.

Even if your business yield you great income, don’t rely solely on it. The market is unpredictable, so it is better to keep all the options open. Try to find business partners and don’t be greedy, let them take a share too. Working as a team will benefit you better than wearing yourself out just to gain more money.

Learn to be disciplined about your personal finances and treat them with all your seriousness. It build your financial behavior and will be the pillar for the background of your business.

Obviously, both your personal finances and your business are important issues of money and financial survival; and your own enterprise is, basically, just another activity that produces income for your personal finances. Or, at least, this is the first link between these two that one could think of at first.

Thoroughly looking, though, you realize that there are many other liaisons between them which lead to different financial behavior, and you can see this at those who surround you.

What Comes First?

This is a tricky question. Theoretically, personal finance should exist before the appearance of your own business. You have been dealing with Mr. Money since you were a kid. You had to learn to manage your money long time ago before having your own business.

The vast majority of people work with money, but they don’t have the smallest clue about personal finance. They earn and spend money by “instinct”, following immediate needs, without an action plan. In most of the cases, this is generated either by a low financial education or by a routinized style of living. It is much easier for those who know how to structure their personal finance to start their own business than for those that live using the “carpe diem” motto.

Personal Finance means:

  • Clear knowledge of the income sources;
  • Knowing the expenses;
  • Continuous watch over income and expenses levels;
  • Making a budget;
  • Savings;
  • Investments;
  • Pension plan;
  • Kids plans;

If you didn’t tick at least three points from this list, then it means that you haven’t established a personal finance plan yet. Now comes the tricky part: do you know that there are lots of people who start a business without having done a personal finance plan? They use their instinct and believe in the originality of their idea, leaving all concerns aside.

This one is the biggest reason why most people fail to establish their own business. They don’t treat financial education at its proper level and don’t have a strategic plan of actions. How could you manage a business if you aren’t used to cope with your actual finances?

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Simple Ways to Reduce Your Expenses

To defeat an enemy, the first thing you need to do is to know him better. That is why you need to have a complete picture of your expenses. It is very important that documentation for every expense you make is as detailed as it gets, so that you could know: on what exactly did you spend the money and how you did this. Did your expense involve another fee that you could avoid or a payment that wasn’t necessary?

Financially speaking, the easiest scenario to cut your expenses is when they are high. Unfortunately, reducing your expenses when you live like a king can be thought of as a decrease in your living. That is why people with problems paying their loans are not willing to cut their expenses. They will simply go on with their life style. If the income will not increase, they will have to face the harsh reality of going to personal bankrupt and, eventually, they will have to quit their luxurious living.

That is why you need to know what you’re spending money on and more importantly, whether those things are really important to you. Don’t play around with these things, as you will get burnt. The majority of people is located between abundance and total lack of money. It’s easier to go bankrupt than to earn loads of money, that’s why you need to be careful with your expenses. Spend more as you earn more and maintain this ratio.

Ways to Reduces the Expenses

You have below a list that can help you reduce your expenses, even if you already know how to manage your funds. What you need to do is to :

  • Reduce acquisition cost
  • Make the product/service that you need (DIY)

Knowing these two basic principles, you will be able to try and apply new techniques, more diversified:

Reducing the price

  • eliminate the intermediaries
  • buy in bulk
  • use discounts (savings, seasonal campaigns, last minute…)
  • make a thorough selection of your products
  • whenever you can, negotiate

Make the product/service that you need

  • product making (in-house manufacturing, from canned food to dog house)
  • making the service that you need  (from car washing in the backyard to cloth weaving )

There are people who were able to start a small business after they were imposed by life conditions to cut expenses. There are people who are selling hand made products; technique they learned when they had to quit the previous life style because it was too expensive. You don’t have to be ashamed by the choices you will have to make. It is better to prevent the problems than to face them.

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8 Ways Laziness Makes You Lose Money

Laziness has been a plague for humanity from its beginning. In Christian mythology, laziness is one of the seven deadly sins. Those who were lured into its nets were threatened with hell’s fire.

Today, there are many businesses that exploit the collective indolence. See for yourself the ways in which laziness takes over and poisons our lives.

1. Not having a retirement fund
At 20 we don’t necessarily think about life’s “sunset” but old age can come quickly and you will need a fat bank account if you want to cover all your needs.

You could start by putting aside as little as $200 or $300 each month. Put them into a retirement fund or savings account. Use whatever pleases you, but start saving.

2. Not paying the credit card bills on time
Laziness overcomes any logic, especially when you have to take 5 minutes out of your time to pay your credit card bills. The later you pay, the bigger the interest will get. The single and most efficient solution is to pay your obligations on time.

3. Not looking for the best offer
You may think that a single deal will not save too much, but when you always look for a better price, you will sooner or later find that you can save quite a bit of money.

4. Not making a shopping list
This is a classical scenario in which laziness “attacks your budget”. If you’re not spending two minutes of your time to pencil out the shopping list, then most probably you will end up buying lots of useless things. Also, it is very important that you don’t shop when you are hungry. It makes you buy all the things that make you salivate.

5. Not selling the things you don’t need any more
You have a CD/tapes collection that you don’t listen anymore? Do you have lots of decorative objects which serve as surface for dust? You probably have a small fortune in your house but you don’t even know about it. Start selling on the Internet or, if you can, participate in a backyard sale.

6. Not taking advantage of sport centers offered by the employer
We can see that corporations are more and more interested towards their employees’ health. If your employer puts at your disposal such a wonderful opportunity, just take it and save money on a paid fitness center.

7. You are sleeping too much
If you’re sitting too much in bed you are losing both time and money. First of all, the time you’re losing could be converted into something that could yield, now or in the future. Reading a book is a much better solution than sleeping too much or wasting time. Secondly, you could have health problems if you’re sleeping too much or not having a right lifestyle.

8. Lack of moving
Be active! If you’re using public transportation, get off some stations before the final destinations and let your body move. As with #7, this is a good solution to avoid possible health problems which could harden your financial life even more. Always try to keep in shape.

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Lions Society Newsletter

Lea, the admin of a program called LionsSociety (lionssociety.com) has sent out a newsletter informing about some changes in the program:

“I want to let everyone know LSBasic, LSOnline, Chengdu and LSREALTY are off the offer Market. You can get this investment option only over the Market Place from other Members. My offered personal Shares are the only remaining option to invest within Lionssociety.”

The full article regarding this change and all details about the current investment offers can be read here. Lea says that she is excited about this achievement and hopes that many investors also see these offers as a great way to make money. I remind you that LionsSociety started as a referral Back program of Lea’s Movers and Shakers list on www.flaxtalk.com. Today it is a part of all Flax Consulting Network activities which includes FlaxRealty, FlaxHost, FlaxAds, Ads on Flaxtalk and returns of all other activities the Flaxn team is involved.

LionsSociety accepts deposits via Alertpay, LibertyReserve, PerfectMoney, SolidTrustPay and Bank Wire. It offers 3% on a one level referral program. Investment offers at LionsSociety are quite unusual in HYIP world and interesting.

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Neo Progress Company

NEO Progress is an investment project carried out as an innovative form of investment business. NEO Progress allows receiving investors’ money for trust management and investing it in the Forex market. This way the site NEO Progress comes as an effective advertising tool for gaining money to investment funds of NEO Progress, traders and managers of which are engaged in money and trust asset management.

NEO Progress Company hosted it’s site at Dragonara Alliance Ltd. Server location British Virgin Islands, Geneva Place, Waterfront Drive,P. O. Box 3469, Road Town, Tortola. The site is really ready for the long life, the security is on the high level. SSL is presented by Comodo Group and paid till 2012. DDoS Protection provided by Dragonara Alliance Ltd. Registration of the domain name was on 21/10/2010.

The activity of the NEO Progress Company is quite unique. All the funds invested by NEO Progress customers come to PAMM accounts of company’s traders and are managed in accordance with fund strategies selected by investors. By taking all the excess profits as a reward, NEO Progress pays out a stable profit percentage to its investors on a daily basis. By carrying out money management based on high turnover, NEO Progress is a major player that can affect the FOREX market in its region.

Compounding is a very convenient option since you may get profit and think about increase of your income in the future by regulating your compounding percentage. Compounding is an option allowing you to reinvest your profit back to the investment fund to get a higher profit. In NEO Progress you may choose a reinvestment percentage. So for example if you have chosen 50% compounding rate you get half of the profit stated, and the second half will be automatically reinvested to get a higher profit. Everything reinvested is return upon ending of the investment period. So, let’s take a closer look to the investment plans.

There are four investment plans:

  • Impulse – 1.5% daily. Investment Period 100days. Min. investment deposit $1. Maximum $999
  • Weeklee – 10% weekly. Duration of the plan 24 weeks. $1000 is a min., $4999 maximal investment.
  • Pulsar – 2.4% daily for 120 days. The minimum investment is $5000 maximal is $29000.
  • Luxer – 14% weekly. Plan duration is 24 weeks. Min. investment deposit $30000 maximum – none.

The initial deposit paid back after investment period in all plans.

To make investments in NEO Progress funds, you need to have e-currency. It’s a virtual analogue of electronic money, used by Internet users to conduct financial transactions. To get access to e-currencies, you need to sign up with either Liberty Reserve or Perfect Money payment system and load your account with money. You can do this via bank transfer or Visa, Master Card, American Express cards, Western Union or just in cash in the exchange service working with the above-mentioned payment systems. Once you have e-currencies available on your account, you can make a deposit to NEO Progress. Read more about payment systems on their official sites. There you can find special sections that provide detailed information to beginners on how the system works and how to use e-money.

Electronic currencies is a virtual analogue of real money, used by Internet users to conduct financial business. Everyone can get access to electronic money, it’s quite simple. E-money can be different. NEO Progress Company works with Liberty Reserve and Perfect Money.Read more on how to get and buy e-currencies on the official sites of payment systems. E-currencies can be bought in exchange for Western Union transfer or through Visa, Master Card, American Express cards.

main office address:

Fax: +441233221500
E-mail:[email protected]

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Permanent Profit Reaches Out

The administration of PermanentProfit (permanentprofit.com) has updated the news section informing that they are very pleased with a successful development of the project and that it has had a paying status on all monitors for two months already. They also tell that they received a lot of feedback from the clients of the program who asked to shorten investment plans (PermanentProfit offers 1.2-3.2% for every trading day forever). Therefore they decided to make changes in their program and to introduce new investment plans:

“The good news is that we made an important decision eventually through the serious discussion with our traders.Our investment plans will be changed to 5 trading days profit period,meaning that your principle will be back to your account after 7 calendar days,you can choose to continue investing in our investment plan or take your principal back when the plan is complete.”

As you can see, PermanentProfit has turned into a short-term program offering 106-116% total profit which you will have after 7 calendar days (1.2-3.2% daily for 5 trading days). Which means that your pure profit will be 6-16% and I believe it is not bad. The previous investment offer is closed, however all clients that have invested in those plans will continue receiving profit.

Well, such changes always raise different questions and many investors see them as signs of a soon closure. However, it is not necessarily a bad thing. Some projects keep successfully developing after making such changes and they do them only to attract new clients. The offer from PermanentProfit is reasonable and let’s hope it will keep operating as usual. I

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Sea Resort Issues at Uinvest?

It has come to our attention that owners of business project ‘Sea Resort’ don’t comply with UInvest TOS.

As a result we remove this project from our website.
Your funds are safe, UInvest guarantees you that. You can sell Sea Resort shares anytime (at the price of purchase) within 2 months starting from March 25th.You will get funds in full within 24 hrs. To sell your shares please send us an e-mail with your UInvest ID and number of shares to sell.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Please let us know if you have any questions.

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