Often people run around investment to seek opportunities that are high in potential and also hold weight in seriousness. But very rarely such opportunities are found. Not any longer, as now we have found hidden treasure in Licensium & Trusted Nodes! Although, they are not exactly HIDDEN, still an option that not a lot of people might be aware of! Licensium & Trusted Nodes are basically 2 Blockchain Based Crypto Projects that are meant to be exemplary for other ICOs.

As both are very different, as Licensium adds monetization possibilities, copyright notice distribution, copyright owner identification and much more to digital content! And, Trusted Nodes is a decentralized technology that solves the problem of server based verification or identification processes down-time.

So certainly worth investing on and the pre-sale is very near starting from 18.10.2017 and best part, it comes with 50% Bonus! If this is not the treasure then we will have to lock the topic of treasure!