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    The month of Ramadan, 9th lunar month
    Ramadan begins on the 9th month of the lunar year. Also, traditionally, the beginning of Ramadan is decreed when a religious sees the first crescent moon.

    Fasting, which concerns both food and drink, begins at dawn and lasts until sunset. Suffice to say that you have to be enduring to endure it throughout the day. But the motivation is great for believers because Ramadan is a period of intense spirituality. It also helps to regain awareness of the value of food and drink. Feeling hungry and thirsty is a way to come together with all those who are suffering.

    Once the sun goes down ...
    Once the sun sets, the houses come alive and the party begins! Ideally, all family members break the fast together and at the same time.
    the month of Ramadan is the 4th pillar of Islam. Fasting is therefore compulsory during this period for both men and women from puberty, with the exception of the sick, pregnant women, women who are breastfeeding or are indisposed, or even travelers ... In some cases it is possible to postpone the fast, in others it will be compensated by donations to the poor. Ramadan is not only characterized by fasting: this period is one of abstinence, kindness, charity and meekness.

    In addition to fasting, practitioners must observe very strict behavioral rules and respect certain prohibitions. During this ascetic period, they will not be able to have sex during the day, smoke, make obscene comments or put on makeup. It is important to note that inadvertent eating does not involve atonement or catch-up fasting. The dizzy person therefore enjoys a certain indulgence. Conversely, a deliberate transgression of the rules recommended by Ramadan cancels the fast.

    Ali Dawah: Why Islam? | SPEAKERS CORNER


    Dr Zakir Naik !! Ramadan Special with Questions & Answers || Peace TV Live YouTube || Episode 12

  2. #42
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    IslamQA: Can you read Quran on a computer or smartphone without wudu?

    The necessity for wudu only applies to reading from a book of Quran. It does not apply to reading Quranic verses on a smartphone or computer. Everyone, including menstruating women, are permitted to read Quranic verses on computers and smartphones without performing it possible to use your laptop or pc to read the qur'an for menstruating women

    (because of sex or menstruation) should not touch the Qur'an from a book of Quran

    If we refer to the opinion that it is permissible for a woman who is menstruating to recite the Quran, there is no harm in her touching the Quran contained in telephones and computers, because it does not really affect the Quran, but only the cell phone or the computer, however, the Quran being in the memory of a computer and the Quran contained in a memory of a cell phone or tablet, is not linked to no material religious provision in matters of ritual purification.

    Indeed, the Muslim keeps in his memory certain suras of the Quran and despite this he goes to the toilet. Sheikh 'Abdurrahmān ibn Nāsir al-Barrāk, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "It seems that cell phones and other such devices are different from the printed copies of the Quran, because the verses contained in these devices are not not in the form of written letters but in the form of digital signals that the device reproduces and then erases when switching to another page. It is therefore permissible to touch a cell phone or an audio cassette on which there is Quran, just as it is permissible to recite it from it even in a state of ritual impurity. "

    It is undoubtedly useful to mention here that the recitation of the Quran by a woman who is menstruating, whether by memory or by means other than a printed copy of the Quran, is a subject of discrepancy between ulemas. Most of the ulemas are of the opinion that this is forbidden whereas the imams Mālik and Ahmad according to a version adopted by Sheikh al-Islām ibn Taymiyya and the sheikh Ibn Bāz may Allah have mercy on them, think that it is permissible to the woman having her menses to recite the Quran. Sheikh al-Islām Ibn Taymiyya, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "There is nothing in the Sunnah that indicates that the woman who has her periods cannot read the Koran and the hadith" The woman having her periods periods and the person in a state of major ritual impurity cannot recite the Quran"is judged Da'īf (weak) by all specialists in the field. At the time of the Prophet () women had their periods. However, if they had been forbidden to recite the Quran just as they had been forbidden to pray, the Prophet () would have indicated it to his community and the mothers of believers would have been informed. "

    Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said: “Among the things they are allowed to include is reciting the Quran during their periods, because they cannot make up for this missed reading time during their period. period of purity. Indeed, the period of menstruation can be prolonged. However, if the woman were forbidden to recite the Koran during this period, she would lose the benefit of reading it and she would probably forget what she memorized from the Koran outside of her period of menstruation. This is the opinion of Imam Mālik and one of the opinions reported by Imams Ahmad and al-Chāfi'ī, may Allah have mercy on them all. The Prophet () did not forbid the woman who is menstruating to recite the Qur'an and the following hadith is not authentic: "The woman having her period and the person in a state of major ritual impurity cannot recite the Quran. " This is a hadith qualified as Ma'lūl (defective) unanimously by the ulemas of the hadith. "


    لماذا موسى نبي ومحمد ليس نبياً؟ | محمد حجاب في حوار مع يهودي محترم الجزء الأول


    لماذا موسى نبي ومحمد ليس نبياً؟ | محمد حجاب في حوار مع يهودي محترم الجزء الثاني

    Reading Quran while in menses #HUDATV

  3. #43
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    He was Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, who made us raise our eyes from the dust beneath to view the glory of the starry heavens above. It was Muhammad who led us from the depths of darkness to the grandeur of the light of God.

    The Prophet was the one who led us to break our stone statues and wooden gods. It was Muhammad who lifted us out of the filth of idolatry to relish the serenity of God’s transcendence.
    On the Night of Power in one Ramadan, the Quran descended on Muhammad, and he received its first verses in the Cave of Hira. (Ibn Abbas)Thereafter the Prophet taught us how to celebrate Ramadan through days of fasting and nights of prayer: to honor each day of Ramadan as a day of patient endurance through fasting, and each night as a night of gratitude through prayers.

    An Unexpected TransformationIt was nothing short of miraculous how the Prophet reformed and refined those unruly tribes of Arabia and transformed them into pious, disciplined, God-fearing ascetics, who stood in prayers in the mosque five times a day seeking the guidance of God.

    And imagine: these same people who once reveled in the pleasures of “wine and women” could now spend the whole month of Ramadan in fasting and prayers.Into the hearts of his followers, the Prophet instilled the love and fear of God and love for humanity. His example was inspiring and irresistible; and each of them became eager to be his closest follower.
    To them he was the sincerest and the most cordial of leaders. And his life was open before them like a book; they could see him practicing most closely in his own life what he was preaching.

    Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
    He (blessings of prayer may Allah bless him ten)
    This desire to increase the gain recognized
    And love and respect for the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him
    Narrated Abu Huraira (may Allah be pleased with him):
    Allah's Apostle said:For every prophet there is one (special invocation (that will not be rejected) with which he appeals (to Allah)
    and I want to keep such an invocation for interceding
    for my followers in the Hereafter.
    Bukhari Volume 8, Book 75, Number 317e

    Narrated Al-Mughira bin Shu'ba (may Allah be pleased with him):
    The Prophet (peace be upon him) used to pray so much that his feet used to become edematous or swollen, and when he was asked as to why he prays so much, he would say,
    "Shall I not be a thankful slave (to Allah)?"
    Bukhari Volume 8, Book 76, Number 478


    ليكس يعتنق الإسلام ويتحول لداعية في ركن الخطباء

    Ramadan Made Easy - Dr. Bilal Philips - YouTube

    ماذا تفعل إذا كنت تحب الإسلام وتنتظر علامة؟ بلال فيلبس ...

    Ramadan Muslims - Abdur Raheem Green - YouTube

  4. #44
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    Ramadan is a month of spiritual cleansing and purification for Muslims in which we try to increase our worship, good deeds and acts of charity. The last ten days and nights hold even more significance as Allah shows great mercy to His creation. They are a chance to benefit from the immense blessings of Ramadan and seek salvation before the month comes to an end.

    Seeking Laylatul Qadr

    Laylatul Qadr, the Night of Decree or Night of Power, is one of the most sacred nights in the Islamic calendar. It takes place in the last ten days of Ramadan and was the night in which the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him).It is also believed to be the night in which Allah shows great mercy to His creation and the night in which one’s fate is decreed.
    Allah says in the Qur’an, “The Night of Decree is better than a thousand months,” (Qur’an, 97:3). The Prophet (peace be upon him) said, “Whoever prays on Laylatul Qadr out of faith and sincerity, shall have all their past sins forgiven,” (Hadith, Bukhari and Muslim).

    Sincerely praying for forgiveness, reciting the holy Qur’an, sending salawat (blessings upon the Prophet) and offering optional (nafl) prayers are examples of beneficial acts of worship on these nights.
    The exact date of Laylatul Qadr is unknown, although it is thought to occur on an odd night in the last ten days of Ramadan (e.g. the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27 or 29th night). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, “Seek it in the last ten days, on the odd nights,” (Hadith, Bukhari and Muslim).

    When Lady Aisha (may Allah be well pleased with her) asked the Prophet (peace be upon him) “O Messenger of Allah, if it is Laylatul Qadr, then what should I supplicate with?” he replied with the famous dua: “Allahumma, innaka Afuwwun Karimun, tuḥibbu al-afwa fa‘afu anna” – “O Allah, indeed You are Pardoning and Generous; You love to pardon, so pardon us.”

    Performing i’tikaf

    Many Muslims choose to spend the last ten days of Ramadan in seclusion (i’tikaf), where one solely focuses on worshipping Allah and refrains from involvement in worldly affairs. It is a time to reflect, increase worship and to increase one’s religious knowledge, seeking closeness to Allah.The sunnah is to remain in i’tikaf for ten days but as a minimum it can be one day and one night. I’tikaf is a great opportunity to reconnect with Allah in solitude. It is also a time to implement good religious practices which can be carried on throughout the whole year.
    This seclusion usually takes place at the mosque but with many mosques closed this Ramadan amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, a secluded space within the home can be designated, free from noise and distractions if possible.

    Giving sadaqa during the last ten nights

    The last ten days of Ramadan are an opportunity to gain multiple rewards by giving sadaqa to those in need for the sake of seeking the pleasure of Allah.
    The rewards of giving sadaqa during Ramadan are multiplied by 70 and the reward for any righteous act during Laylatul Qadr is equivalent to having performed the same act for over 83 years!

    The Prophet (peace be upon him) said “Sadaqa extinguishes sin as water extinguishes fire,” (Hadith, Tirmidhi). He also said that Allah offers relief on the Day of Judgement for those who give sadaqa: “The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be their charity,” (Hadith, Tirmidhi).

    Give generously before Ramadan comes to an end and provide relief to those lives have been torn apart by war, famine and natural disaster. Show mercy to others so that Allah may show mercy to you.

    Khutbah: The Night of Decree - Laylatul Qadr by Yasir Qadhi | 10th August 2012

    أول لقاء بين هاشم والمبشر المسيحي كين | مقطع يستحق المشاهدة

    نبوءة خطيرة لا يتحدث عنها أحد من الكتاب المقدس تثبت عدم صلب المسيح ورفعه للسماء

  5. #45
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    After the end of the month of Ramadan
    On the first day of the following month, after another new moon has been sighted, a special celebration is made, called ‘Id al-Fitr. A quantity of staple food is donated to the poor (Zakat al-Fitr),
    Zakaah is one of the pillars of Islam which Allah, may He be exalted, has enjoined upon the rich Muslims so as to achieve a kind of social security, solidarity and financing some common interests,

    Allah, may He be exalted, has mentioned it alongside prayer in more than one verse of the Qur’an, which confirms its importance. The fact that it is obligatory is proven according to the Qur’an, Sunnah and scholarly consensus.
    There is consensus among Muslim scholars that it is mandatory on every believer who is financially able. Whoever knowingly denies this obligation, while he possesses the minimum amount, would be considered a disbeliever and a renegade from Islam. Whoever is stingy, or tries to cheat, is considered among the wrongdoers.

    everyone has bathed and put on their best, preferably new, clothes, and communal prayers are held in the early morning, followed by feasting and visiting relatives and friends.
    There are other fast days throughout the year. Muslims are encouraged to fast six days in Shawwal, the month following Ramadan, Mondays and Thursdays, and the ninth and tenth, or tenth and eleventh of Muharram, the first month of the year. The tenth day, called Ashurah, is also a fast day for the Jews (Yom Kippur), and Allah commanded the Muslims to fast two days to distinguish themselves from the People of the Book.

    While fasting per se is encouraged, constant fasting, as well as monasticism, celibacy, and otherwise retreating from the real world, are condemned in Islam. Fasting on the two festival days, ‘Id al-Fitr and ‘Id al-Adha, the feast of the Hajj, is strictly forbidden

    حمزة تزورتزيس يدافع عن النبي في ركن المتحدثين

    شامبو ربك ! ثلاثة علي واحد | شمسي في حوار مع أوروبي | ركن المتحدثين | Speakers Corner

    The mind blowing prophecies of Prophet Muhammad‎(ﷺ)

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    أعطيت أيفون 12 برو ماكس لكل شخص مسلم وافق يفسد صيامه في رمضان لكن#الصدمة عربي فطر#تجربة_اجتماعية
    ها شم والملحدة الإسبانية في حوار ممتع وبناء | ركن المتحدثين | Speakers Cornerحاخام يهوديان يقبلان النبي محمد رسول الله ! || ركن المتحدثين || Speakers Corner

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    The measures of Islam to eradicate racism and abolish slavery:
    • It grantes paradise to whoever frees a slave. Allah said “and what will make you know the path that steep?(it is) freeing a neck (slave etc.)" ( Qur'an 90:11-13)

    • One of the ways of spending zakat (alms-giving) is by freeing slaves. “Alms are for the poor and the needy and those employed to administer the (funds) : for those whose hearts have been (recently) reconciled (to truth); for those in bondage and in dept; in cause of Allah; and for way farerthus is it) ordained by Allah, and Allah is full of knowledge and wisdom”. (Qur'an 9:60)
    • Emancipation of slaves was also the legally required expiation for certain sins or failures in religious duties, for example, the breaking of an oath or the breaking of a fast.

    • Freeing a slave is required also in the accidental killing, ‘it is not for a believer to kill a believer except (that it be) by mistake, and whosoever kills a believer by mistake (it is ordained that) he must set free a believing slave’. (Qur'an 4: 92). This form of atonement is critical as it means that, in Islam, freedom is equal to life. You took the life of someone, so you have to give freedom to someone else.

    • The most beautiful way Islam employed to free slaves is called ‘the emancipation agreement’ or ‘the master-slave agreement’. It is Islamic innovation that was made to free slaves and to make the master and slave sit together at one table and be able to write contracts with one another.
    • Islam showed that the master should be the first one help the slave obtain his own freedom and that he should put the first payment as a gift. God, the Exalted, says(what means):“and such of your slaves as seek a writing (of emancipation), give them such writing, if you know that they are good and trustworthy. And give them something yourselves out of the wealth of Allah which He has bestowed upon you”. (Qur'an 24:33)

    These measures of Islam are signals for the ******* that this slavery is about to end. So, free the slaves you have and do not buy any new ones. If you want slaves, they have to wear the same clothes that you wear. They have to eat the same food that you eat. And if you beat your servant he is automatically free.
    Who would want to own a slave that way?!

    Now it is obvious how Islam solved the problem of slavery by this unique, unprecedented, matchless, remedy that was prescribed by God, the All- knowing, the Wise.

    نا أريد إعتناق الاسلام ولكن ؟ يوشع ايفانز مترجم

    حوار رائع وهادئ بين هاشم وفتاة دانماركية مسيحية

    محاضرة ( القرآن هل يجب قراءته بفهم؟) - ذاكر نايك مترجم 2018

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    the first question they asked furnished to their opponents for the verses that hit distortion , and distorted what they were before ? What are the names who have distortions ? At any time they have done ? What is their purpose of disposal of this ? The answer to this is not only those who have the original version , which is written the Bible , which I wrote between 60 and 120 m , and does not have one of these copies are not Christians or Muslims or anyone else , how will the interview if the copying distorted and originals , and how will you know the verses that misrepresented and what is placed before the distortion , as well as to know of the distortions and purpose of it.

    If it is said that the absence of the parent denies misrepresentation ? We say: It's not as you said , because the distortion is to change reality in the Gospels both occurred because of an increase or decrease or switch some words with some other , whatever the reason for this change in bad faith , or good intention , or omissions and negligence , and we pretend to be interpolating in this sense, the fact that in the Gospels in the hands of Christians today , regardless of who has done and purpose of it and regardless of the existence of the originals or disappearance .

    This is for the distortion of the point of Metn or text , while on the bond , there is no support up between the Gospels now in place and the owners who wrote themselves , note that the oldest copy of any of these Bibles are in the third century the year 225 AD that is, between the authors and the time found more than centuries of ! ! How can a book documenting this case ? ! !

    The words of the Christians : The Bible has spread in the era of the students , and did not deny one of them , cause harm outside the position of the conflict , because the search is not as it was when the disciples of the Gospel , but research in the proportion of this document in the hands of Christians today as when pupils and corroboration related to them .

    Then they asked another question , they said, how could Mahrvon to do with the distortions that there had been since the second century AD, thousands of copies of the Bible in different countries and in multiple languages , which can not make him twist in all of them . The answer to this: if we accept that we have not been distorted in the second century before , what about the first century ? Do you have proof that there were no distortions . This copies in their hands did not reach them until after the second century . What about that period that stretched from the lifting of Christ to the end of the second century , and parted where Christians make a difference and multiple doctrines , was where the Christians are united on one Bible ? These questions must be answered before the Christians to direct their questions to others.

    He also said that these claims of the distortion of the gospel it is noteworthy that the way in which resorted to the afore-mentioned persons to hide the alleged misrepresentation , he could not even detected only objectors , after hundreds of years to happen ! The answer to that is that the answer is not required from the foregoing that the originals that can meet her with copies in the hands of Christians today do not exist , and the Christians themselves do not know the scribes who wrote the gospels on the face of the pieces , ask us how we know that the handicraft ? They are distributed between the scribe and translators and Mgredan , says , " Will Durant " in " The Story of Civilization " : " returns the oldest copies of our four Gospels to the third century . Either originals seem to have been written between 60 120 m , and then came after written over two centuries time for errors in the transport , and perhaps also to have been intentional misrepresentation intended to reconcile with the community to which he belongs duplicator or purposes . "

    Moreover, as we have said is a misrepresentation change this exists , exemplified by differences in the rates of Christ - peace be upon him - an angel "when" Christ's lineage to Joseph , son of Jacob and to make it at the end of the descendants of Solomon the son of David . The Gospel of " Luke " The proportion of the Yusuf Bin Hali , and make it at the end of the descendants of Nathan, son of David, peace be upon him , and that differences in the number of parents of Christ , recalled the gospel of "when" they Twenty-seven father , while the Gospel of " Luke " them forty-two father , in addition to other detailed differences found in the theme of " the Gospels are not the word of God ."

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    Why are non-Muslims not allowed in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah?

    It is true that non-Muslims are not allowed in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah, by law. The following points will serve to elucidate the possible reasoning behind such a restriction.

    1. All citizens are not permitted in the cantonment area
    In every country, there are certain areas where a common citizen of that country cannot enter. Only a citizen who is enrolled in the military or those who are connected with the defense of the country are allowed in the cantonment area. Similarly, Islam is a Universal Religion for the entire world and for all human beings. The cantonment areas of Islam are the two holy cities of Makkah and Madinah.
    Here only those who believe in Islam and are involved in the defense of Islam i.e. the Muslims are allowed.

    It would be illogical for a common citizen to object to the restriction on entering a cantonment area. Similarly it is not appropriate for non-Muslims to object to the restriction on non-Muslims against entering Makkah and Madinah.

    2. Visa to enter Makkah and Madinah
    a. Whenever a person travels to a foreign country, he has to first apply for a visa i.e. the permission to enter that country. Every country has its own rules, regulations and requirements for issuing a visa. Unless their criteria are met, they will not issue a visa.

    b. One of the countries which is very strict in issuing a visa is the United States of America, especially when issuing visas to citizens of the third world. They have several conditions and requirements to be fulfilled before they issue a visa.

    c. When I visited Singapore, it was mentioned on their immigration form - death to drug traffickers. If I want to visit Singapore I have to abide by the rules. I cannot say that death penalty is a barbaric punishment. Only if I agree with their requirements and conditions will I be permitted to enter the country.

    d. The Visa – The primary condition required for any human being to enter Makkah or Madina is to say with his lips, La ila ha illallahMuhammedurRasulullah meaning that ‘there is no God but Allah and Muhammed (pbuh) is His Messenger.’

    20 Most common questions about Islam | Dr Zakir Naik - www zakirnaik net

    لماذا يمنع الكفار من الدخول إلى مكة ؟

    very cool

    جميلة جولى حاولت تنصير صديقتها المسلمة وبعد إلحاح وافقت صديقتها ولكن بشرط واحد

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    What is your purpose in life? What is the rationale behind our life? Why do we live in this life? These questions frequently intrigue people who try to find accurate answers.

    People provide different answers to these questions. Some people believe the purpose of life is to accumulate wealth. But one may wonder: What is the purpose of life after one has collected colossal amounts of money? What then? What will the purpose be once money is gathered? If the purpose of life is to gain money, there will be no purpose after becoming wealthy. And in fact, here lies the problem of some disbelievers or misbelievers at some stage of their life, when collecting money is the target of their life. When they have collected the money they dreamt of, their life loses its purpose. They suffer from the panic of nothingness and they live in tension and restlessness.

    Can Wealth Be an Aim?We often hear of a millionaire committing suicide, sometimes, not the millionaire himself but his wife, son, or daughter. The question that poses itself is: Can wealth bring happiness to one’s life? In most cases the answer is NO. Is the purpose of collecting wealth a standing purpose? As we know, the five-year old child does not look for wealth: a toy for him is equal to a million dollars. The eighteen-year old adolescent does not dream of wealth because he is busy with more important things. The ninety-year old man does not care about money; he is worried more about his health. This proves that wealth cannot be a standing purpose in all the stages of the individual's life.

    Wealth can do little to bring happiness to a disbeliever, because he/she is not sure about his fate. A disbeliever does not know the purpose of life. And if he has a purpose, this purpose is doomed to be temporary or self destructive.What is the use of wealth to a disbeliever if he feels scared of the end and skeptical of everything. A disbeliever may gain a lot of money, but will surely lose himself.

    Worshipping Allah as an AimOn the contrary, faith in Allah gives the believer the purpose of life that he needs. In Islam, the purpose of life is to worship Allah. The term "Worship" covers all acts of obedience to Allah.

    The Islamic purpose of life is a standing purpose. The true Muslim sticks to this purpose throughout all the stages of his life, whether he is a child, adolescent, adult, or an old man.Worshipping Allah makes life purposeful and meaningful, especially within the framework of Islam. According to Islam this worldly life is just a short stage of our life. Then there is the other life. The boundary between the first and second life is the death stage, which is a transitory stage to the second life. The type of life in the second stage a person deserves depends on his deeds in the first life. At the end of the death stage comes the day of judgment. On this day, Allah rewards or punishes people according to their deeds in the first life.

    The First Life as an ExaminationSo, Islam looks at the first life as an examination of man. The death stage is similar to a rest period after the test, i. e. after the first life. The Day of Judgment is similar to the day of announcing the results of the examinees. The second life is the time when each examinee enjoys or suffers from the outcome of his behavior during the test period.

    In Islam, the line of life is clear, simple, and logical: the first life, death, the Day of Judgment, and then the second life. With this clear line of life, the Muslim has a clear purpose in life. The Muslim knows he is created by Allah. Muslims know they are going to spend some years in this first life, during which they have to obey God, because God will question them and hold them responsible for their public or private deeds, because Allah knows about all the deeds of all people. The Muslim knows that his deeds in the first life will determine the type of second life they will live in. The Muslim knows that this first life is a very short one, one hundred years, more or less, whereas the second life is an eternal one.

    The Eternity of the Second Life
    The concept of the eternity of the second life has a tremendous effect on a Muslims during their first life, because Muslims believe that their first life determines the shape of their second life. In addition, this determines the shape of their second life and this determination will be through the Judgment of Allah, the All just and Almighty.With this belief in the second life and the Day of Judgment, the Muslim's life becomes purposeful and meaningful. Moreover, the Muslim's standing purpose is to go to Paradise in the second life.

    In other words, the Muslim's permanent purpose is to obey Allah, to submit to Allah, to carry out His orders, and to keep in continues contact with Him through prayers (five times a day), through fasting (one month a year), through charity (as often as possible), and through pilgrimage (once in one's life).

    The Need for a Permanent Purpose
    Disbelievers have purposes in their lives such as collecting money and property, indulging in sex, eating, and dancing. But all these purposes are transient and passing ones. All these purposes come and go, go up and down. Money comes and goes. Health comes and goes. Sexual activities cannot continue forever. All these lusts for money, food and sex cannot answer the individual's questions: so what? Then What?However, Islam saves Muslims from the trouble of asking the question, because Islam makes it clear, from the very beginning, that the permanent purpose of the Muslim in this life is to obey Allah in order to go to Paradise in the second life.

    We should know that the only way for our salvation in this life and in the hereafter is to know our Lord who created us, believe in Him, and worship Him alone.We should also know our Prophet whom Allah had sent to all mankind, believe in Him and follow Him. We should, know the religion of truth which our Lord has commanded us to believe in, and practice it

    The purpose of life in this world in Islam and Christianity - ...

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