Welcome to 13DailyTrade!
We provide a place where people can purchase ads for their business to be viewed by other members. Members can also earn commission for viewing the advertisements of other members through surfing .Our goals at 13DailyTrade.com is to help all members who wants to make the extra money that they deserved in the shortest time.

Program Plans
Free Members
# 13 second timer
# 3% referral commission
# Advertise up to 1 site
# $2 minimum payout

Upgraded member
# 100 free credits/units
# Earn 13% daily for 9 days.
# 1 Unit = only $6(Maximum: 1000 units)
# 5% referral commission
# Advertise up to 3 sites
# 13 Second Timer.
# View only 13 sites each day
# Cashout term = Unit Expired

For more information, visit
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