Generate Traffic to Your Website!

We Enable you to sell more product & recruit more distributors.

Generate Money Viewing Web Sites!

Your advertising becomes FREE with rebates and you can Earn 15% on your purchase.

Generate Money Talking to People!

This can be your Gateway to Financial Independence.

Generate Money Placing Free Ads On The Internet!

Create the Wealth You Desire.

Generate Traffic to Your Website!

We Enable you to sell more product & recruit more Distributors!

The Cash Generator is a generator of internet traffic to web site owners. Web site owners purchase ad packages and place their web site in rotation for consumers and business owners to view. ASD pays its advertisers a rebate to view a minimum number of sites each day, therefore, insuring that prospects will be viewing each site.

- Over 6000 members and growing extremely fast

- Rebates are at 5-6% daily on the English site and a steady 8% on the Spanish site.

- 2-Level RC - 10% and 5%

- Payment Processors: SolidTrustPay,AlertPay,E-Bullion and Virtual Money

- Admin and Support Staff available on Phone Contact.

- Regular Oppurtunity Calls

For more information, visit
ASD Cash Generator : Welcome to ASD Cash Generator!

Added for discussion
