I am not the admin of the program.


Greetings ladies and gentlemen, i'm Morris aka fatsumo. I hereby introduce to you my own surf site Obeseverkeer.com. It is my pleasure to have you visiting my site, please take a look around and you will find something different. I bet you will love my surf site.

Upgrade Members

* 6% - 9% Rebate Daily for 15 Days
* 5% Referral Commission
* 20% Bonus Pack
* Advertise 3 sites
* Special Library

A short thought about my plan:

As a Upgraded member, you are given a 20% bonus pack base on your upgrade ads pack. This bonus pack will be activated on the 16th day from the date added. It will earn you 5% - 20% rebate every 30 days without expiry *. You are actually earning rebate from 2 ad packs instead of only 1. In case there is slowdown on our program, you have no worry as we can still rebate you.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.