Free Movie

I met Aaron Russo at the Friday night showing. Because of the removal of the Right to Habeas Corpus, the government can now arrest you, in your home and without a warrant, and incarcerate you without honoring your request for a lawyer. You can disappear for as long as they wish to hold you and you have no recourse. Aaron said that due to this, his plan of theatre release will take too much time to get this film to the public so he will place it on the internet for free.

Good to his word, Aaron Russo has made the America: Freedom to Fascism movie available, free, on the internet. Also, you will find on the same page, two other movies that will give insight on how our Republic and our Sovereignty has been compromised so that now we are on the brink of slavery to a one world dictatorship. This is a must see film and I urge you to take advantage of this opportunity. Best, Frank

Hateliars Video Presentation