Dear Monitor Owners.

Rolclub Forum wish to reward monitors that post new hyips, surfs, cyclers etc etc on this forum... .

Rolclub offers a monthly $150 worth 468x60 banners on the bottom of the forum. It will stay there for as long as you are interested.

Rolclub is one of the largest Investment forums online with soon 50k members, and we can provide proff to anyone at anytime. (So many other forums will never do this. You may guess why?)

To get this offer you will have to:

1. Put one of our Banners on your monitors main page. Best is if you add it to your forum section, or make a link to
"Discussion forums".

2. Post minimum 100 post in our hyip/surf/cycler/scam section in total a month.

If your interested in this great offer, please feel free to email us at
[email protected] . subject of email " Monitor interested in your offer".

Provide us the

1. Url of your site.
2. Your Rolclub username.
3. Your banner url and site link.

We will not be able to offer this to many monitors, so be fast.

