I'm not the admin of oilwindfallprofits.com

OilWindfallProfits is an international commercial organization that collects, analyzes and processes information concerning the oil industry. The organization gets profits by speculating in the oil market. The special feature of OilWindfallProfits company is a wide international network of agents who work for the oil refining companies worldwide.
Investment plans up to:
10% hourly for 15 hours (150% in 15 hours)
125% after 1 day
187% after 3 days
315% after 7 days
825% after 15 days
6000% after 60 days!

Payment options:
Libertyreserve, Perfectmoney

Link to view and register ==>>

Program added to normal listing. Our deposit is $10.

Date: 10/19/2011 19:20
Batch number: 74127296
Amount: - $10.00