Who are we?
We are a group of private investors from South Korea involving in various high-return investments. Our areas of investment include stock market, FOREX, metal trading, oil trading etc in which we have profited in the past. We hope to further increase our capital by introducing this online investment program. Based on our past experience, we are confident that we are able to make more profits with capitals we obtain via Multipurpose Fund. We sincerely invite investors from all over the world to join our profit-making team. As this is a non-ponzi scheme and we are involved in real investments, it s impossible for us to offer high return within hours, days or weeks like other HYIPs do. To ensure the stability of the program, our goals have to be realistic based on profits we made from our investment activities.

Program Plans
-183% After 180 Days

For more information, visit
Multipurpose Fund
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