24daily is an hourly game.We will payout 100% of the deposited amount.When withdrawals equal the deposits the game ends. Simple! .

www.24daily.net is just that!! hourly payments 24 hours a day.So that there is no virtual money in system depositing from account balance is disabled. You must withdraw and re-deposit. You may make multiple deposits this is ok.We do have a 4%withdraw fee or $0.01 what ever is greater on all withdrawals

Please please understand that its a game. I will do my part in being honest and upfront admin. Please do your part by playing and understanding the game.

When payouts reach 90% of deposited amount instant withdraw will end. The remaining 10% will paid out manual. I will update on % manaul on news box left hand side.

Program Plans
-2% per hour for 60 hours

For more information, visit
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