Welcome to auctioninvestment.com! This HYIP operates differently than most other programs, as auctioninvestment uses external funding to pay our member’s investments, rather than being reliant on new investors in the form of a ponzi scheme.

The funding for our high rate of return is provided by the import and resale of Chinese replica goods in the US. We operate several EBay accounts as our primary means of selling our items, in addition to selling wholesale to other resellers. Because of the high markup on the retail items, we are able to earn high profits relative to the price of our items, which is able to support this high investment return rate.

This program has been created to provide additional funding for our import and resale activities, while paying an appropriate amount which allows both the investor and our business to profit. The return on investment has been intentionally calculated as 120% in 5 days, as it allows us enough time to complete an inventory turn, creating profit for both the investor and the business.

We feel that complex payment schemes are not necessary, because we do not need to encourage investors to deposit more money for longer periods of time to support a ponzi. Instead, we only need the funds for a period of 5 days, and we believe that simplicity is key. The health of most HYIPs is determined by the popularity, and the ratio of funds deposited to funds withdrawn. However, with our program, the funds withdrawn will eventually surpass the funds deposited, as we are not reliant on new investors.

We are able to make money from the deposits to both benefit our business, and to create profit for the investor – you!

Program Plans

-120% after 5 days

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