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International Forex LLC first of all is nearly completely an online venture, which is the most cost efficient and logical solution, considering the methods of our operations and income generation. We are offering our investors an opportunity to generate residual income, derived from capitalization on fluctuations in flat currencies values. The main driving force behind International Forex LLC, is the team of technologically savvy currency traders who I, alone with all of our participating investors, are thankful for agreeing to do what they do best full time. The difficulties we have encountered through the years of working on the project were mostly of technical nature and to some extend in selecting the trading team members, where the time factor was something we obviously could neither speed up nor dismiss.

Fixed daily profit rate (1%).
A minimum investment limit of 10 USD.
Indefinite maximum investment limit.
Fixed duration of investment is 180 trading days(Principal available withdraw after 180 trading days).
A minimum profit withdrawal limit of 0.01 USD
Possibility of profits reinvestment(Compound is available).
Possibility of reopening new investments.
