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We are happy to welcome you on our company website - primexcash.com. We develop and test Forex investent strategies.
Different strategies define the behavior of a Forex market trader. Strategy is a precise algorhythm that can be used in a given market situation. There is a wide range of strategies devised by different traders that can help you be in the money under a certain set of circumstances. But all of the strategies that are open to the general public can be erroneous. Our company is involved in detecting such errors and later on uses the revised strategy to earn good interest in investments. We finetune our strategies ceaselessly to guarantee great results.
Plan A - Daily return is 1%. Matures in 30 business days. Minimum deposit is $10, max deposit is $100.00
Plan B - Daily return is 1.1%. Matures in 35 business days. Minimum deposit is $101.00, max deposit is $500.00
Plan C - Daily return is 1.2%. Matures in 45 business days. Minimum deposit is $501.00, max deposit is $1,000.00
Plan D - Daily return is 1.3%. Matures in 60 business days. Minimum deposit is $1,001.00, max deposit is $2,500.00
Plan E - Daily return is 1.4%. Matures in 80 business days. Minimum deposit is $2,501.00, max deposit is $10,000.00
Plan F - Daily return is 1.5%. Matures in 105 business days. Minimum deposit is $10,001.00, max deposit is $50,000.00
Plan G - Daily return is 1.6%. Matures in 135 business days. Minimum deposit is $50,001.00, max deposit is $250,000.00
Plan H - Daily return is 1.7%. Matures in 150 business days. Minimum deposit is $250,001.00, max deposit is $500,000.00
Plan K - Daily return is 1.8%. Matures in 180 business days. Minimum deposit is $500,001.00, no max limit.

Accept: Liberty Reserve

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