Welcome to InstantDailyIncome.com!
Instantdailyincome.com is an advertising and traffic exchange company that provides you a great opportunity to earn an excellent 135% in 15 days only from the time you deposit. Members can withdraw their income daily without any restriction at Unit expiration.

How does it work?
The first thing you should do is to create a free membership account within instantdailyincome.com. Upon signing up, you purchase surf shares at $6.00 per share. Each share you purchase expires in 15 days. For each day that you view a minimum of 6 of our advertisers sites, you will be paid 9% daily .Our members can purchase a minimum 1 Ad share and a maximum 1000 shares and will earn 9% daily for each share purchased. Sponsorship is not required but if you decide to refer others, you will earn between 5% to 10% per share that your referrals purchase and plus you can earn an extra between 15% - 25% of all ads purchased by advertisers you directly refer.

Our advertisers can purchase advertising credits they can use to promote all their websites, send promotional emails to our ever growing members at affordable rates.

Trial Members:
Our free member can click on our advertisers ads and earn $0.010 cents per ad they click on. Read our members emails and earn 100 credits per ad they click on. Earn 15% of all purchases made by advertisers you refer.

Diamond Members:
Decide to purchase upgrade units and earn 9% daily.
Get 1500 Free advertising Credits Bonus monthly.
Earn 25% of all purchases made by advertisers you refer.

Referral commission:
We give both free and upgraded members commission for upgrades of their referrals. Free members Earn 5% referral commission while our upgraded Diamond members receive 9% in Referral comission. All Ref. Commission are paid within 24 hours upon request.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion
