Our company works for you in the following way: We are a group of brokers in full development, active on all major stock markets. We are investing in stocks of the companies that we consider profitable (according to our sources) and then we are giving you a fixed percent out of dividends. The difference is ours, if we win a higher percent, we pay our members the specified percent, and we keep the rest. If we loose, we still pay our members the specified percent and we support the losses. Most of the time we win, because our team has a large experience in trading on various markets. Success can only be achieved by providing outstanding customer service all the time. Our professionals are flexible and accessible. They're focused on helping you grow your business. Mic Fund realize that each customer is special and has unique needs.
We created our pricing philosophy to serve the highest percentage of customers' product needs possible. Our pricing models provide maximum value because we sell the servicing rights on the loans we originate. You receive the benefits from Mic fund's relationship with mega-servicers by having access to a broad product spectrum with attractive pricing.

New technology has enabled us to handle loans more efficiently and do more business over the Internet. This includes a more robust automated underwriting interface that generates faster underwriting decisions on a broader range of products. Technology enhancement continues to be one of our primary goals as we evolve towards a fully electronic and paperless mortgage process that makes your job easier.

Since time is money, streamlining the number of people you have to deal with can be a huge benefit. AmNet provides access to ALL of your borrowers' financing needs through one professional team. From sales and underwriting to doc drawing and closing, we offer a dedicated, front-to-back team that is focused on building lasting relationships. We want your business. And we have the people that can build a strong, mutually beneficial partnership with you.

10 Days deposit. 2.2% Daily (Return Principal)
Plan 1 $7 - $500 1.40
Plan 2 $501 - $5,000 1.80
Plan 3 $5,001 and more 2.20

30 Days deposit. 2.60% Daily (Return Principal)
Plan 1 $10 - $500 1.80
Plan 2 $501 - $5,000 2.20
Plan 3 $5,001 and more 2.60

90 Days deposit. 3% Daily (Return Principal)
Plan 1 $10 - $500 2.40
Plan 2 $501 - $5,000 2.60
Plan 3 $5,001 and more 3.00

Use our referral program and earn up to 3.00% of referral deposits!

Our first level referral bonuses:
Name From To Commision (%)
One 1 and more 3.00

For more information, visit

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