Kilmick Trading S.A. (KTSA) was founded by a handful of successful investors who collaborated and shared their portfolios with each other. They began working together 14 months ago and they are now offering an opportunity to anyone wanting to participate and become a shareholder in the company for as low as $1000.

KTSA's portfolio is nothing short of amazing. Their traders range from former bank traders, to brokerage house traders, to hedge fund traders. All with extremely impressive track records spanning many years with consistent and low risk trading. KTSA is very proud of the portfolio and would like to help investors with a solid opportunity for diversification. They are accepting new shareholders up until May 16th. The doors will then close and the trading quarter will commence. At the end of each trading quarter, shareholders can redeem their shares or uptake new ones. KTSA will be audited by a professional outfit before the first trading quarter is over to ensure all shareholders and prospective shareholders alike that everything is functioning as posted.

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