
Our mission is to help the average person make a profit by investing small to medium sums into carefully chosen and promising growth companies. Please read over carefully before joining to ensure that our site is right for you.

We don’t believe in high risk daily rates of returns, but believe in an actual long living and reliable investment service. We do not believe in get rich quick schematics and use only legitimate sources revenue consisting of, but not limited to, web design, script sales, and other online/offline investments. A bulk of our revenue comes from our continuous efforts in our strategic investment portfolio and planning ahead for times of slow growth. Other sources include sales of scripts and web design.

Plan Investment Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
Starter 1-100 1.5
Profit ******* 101-5,000 15
Term Minimum Spend (US$) Offered Profit (%)
Weekly Special 10 20
Straight Days Investment Amount (US$) Earning Rate (%)
30 5-10,000 175


We also have a referal program which pays 5%-12% of spend made by your referer. Your payment rate depends on how many people you refer (see table below).

Referal Programs
Program Number of active referals Payment (%)
Basic 1-10 5
Silver 11-30 7.5
Gold 21+ 12

Referal payments are made instantly to members accounts and are withdrawable instantly.

You must have made a spend with us in order to collect referal commission.

For more information, visit
Design 9

Added for discussion
