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About Kauko Investments

Our investment fund is founded by kauko Gordon founder of an offline investment fund from europe. Kauko Investments used to invest in real estate in the earlier times, when the number of investors grown, we decided to open for other investment markets as well as online investments too, and the so popular forex market. This online investment fund now gives the possibility to a wider range of investors from all over the world to be the part of our earnings.

Kauko Investments Forex Trading Strategy is unique by itself. As the name suggests, strategy is a combination of Trading and Investment objectives. If position is a winning, trading profit is booked at a target rate, otherwise depending upon the fundamental analysis position is treated like investment and averaging positions are opened in continuity of trading pattern. Key element in Kauko Gordonis planning of financial resources to conserve capital and maximize profit

Kauko Investments Strategy is based on following techniques:

* Fundamental Analysis

* Technical Analysis

* Statistical tools

These techniques are used to achieve the above mentioned objectives by balancing risk to reward ratio without any specified time frame.

Kauko Investments Strategy is not dependent on a particular time frame or specific method like scalping etc., as the trading position could be long term, medium term, short term or less then a day. We believe that in today's modern era of globalization, forex trading has become more complex and the factors driving the market are contextual rather than conceptual, in the ever changing global dynamics.

Determining the level of Investment

Planning financial resources for forex trading is the key to successful long term trading.

Main Objective of financial planning is to determining the trade size within the available investment with reference to risk reward ratio.


Accept: Liberty Reserve, Perfect Money

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