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BearnMode.com (read as BURN-MODE) is an investment program where you make 8% daily forever until you withdraw. This is a concept where you will get credited this percentage daily for your deposits forever, until you withdraw, this means that your deposit continues to earn until you decide to withdraw your earnings. If you deposit $100 and let it stand in your account for 20 days, you should have 160% (8% daily multipled by 20 days). You would have made 60% actual profit.

This means that you will only be in profit on the 13th day of our plan. As soon as you decide to withdraw your earnings, your deposit will stop earning and you will need to make a new deposit.
8% Daily Forever - Until You Decide To Withdraw
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
Plan 1 $10 - $2,500 8.00

Accept: Liberty Reserve,Perfect Money,EgoPay

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