Continent Team Company proposes service in the management of money on high-income international investment market Forex.
The opportunity to unite efforts of experienced professional traders, investors and financial analytics team has created the idea of arranging Continent Team Company. We have foreseen everything for achieving of the best financial results. Wide and rich experience gives the possibility to Continent Team Company specialists to make financial analyses themselves, to do themselves choosing of investing objects and to provide risk control, that gives free time to the client.

Starter plan 1.5% daily
Investment period: 10 days
Amount: $10 - $250
Compounding: Available - Principal return: Yes

Regular plan 2% daily
Investment period: 30 days
Amount: $251 - $2500
Compounding: Available - Principal return: Yes

Advanced plan 2.5% daily
Investment period: 50 days
Amount: $2501 - $5000
Compounding: Available - Principal return: Yes

Instant Payment
Accept: PM, STP, EG

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