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Start 01.08.15



Instant Invest is an on-line investment platform focused on providing stable income to our partners and customers. Our portfolio are diversified between foreign currency exchange markets, stock exchange and some emerging market bonds. We use semiautomatic trading strategies helping us to reduce risks while offering good ROI

Invest plans:

1. 2.1% daily for 70 days
2. 2.5% daily for 70 days
3. 1000% after 60 days
4. 1500% after 60 days

Min/max deposit: 10$/10000$

Payment systems: Perfect Money, Payeer, Bitcoin

Payments: manual

Refcom: 5%

Tech.part: SSL, DDoS, Licensed H-script


08.30.15 18:31 Account Transfer -200.00 Sent Payment: 200.00 USD to account U9696845 from U4731311. Batch: 99959009. Memo: Shopping Cart Payment. Invoice 141, monitorinvestnet.