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HOURCOINS.BIZ is a company that specializes in trading and exchanging virtual currency. With the introduction of well-known currencies such as BTC, Eth, we are concerned about fluctuating prices, exchange rates, and we make sense of the major trend between coins and the market. And we make the right decisions through the world's leading experts on e-currency. At this moment, we focus on the features and potential of each virtual currency and conduct transaction activities

From the beginning of 2017, we have been seeking and attracting investment in the international exchange market, and seeking partners and customers. We mobilize a portion of the capital from our online clients, and we assure that you will receive a return on your investment and interest on your plan. We provide the very good profit in 3 plans for each level of investment. Join us now and quickly earn a steady income for your life with your family for a better future!

Basic Plan
Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)
1.11% hourly for 96 hours $5.00 - $999.00 1.11
1.22% hourly for 96 hours $1000.00 - $5000.00 1.22
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Standard Plan
Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)
2.78% hourly for 40 hours $500.00 - $2999.00 2.78
4.06% hourly for 40 hours $3000.00 - $5000.00 4.06
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Premium Plan
Plan Spent Amount ($) Hourly Profit (%)
9% hourly for 24 hours $5000.00 - $29999.00 9.00
13% hourly for 24 hours $30000.00 - $300000.00 13.00
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Hosting provider: GoDaddy.com
WHOIS: Click Here
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Accept: PM, Payeer, Bitcoin, Advcash, Litecoin
Referral comission: 3%

Join here: https://hourcoins.biz/