Nexxway is a leading contractor for MediaTek Inc. in developing components for wireless communication, optical storage systems, GPS, HDTV, DVD, as well as chipset production.
Today Nexxway corporation has its own technical and production facilities in China, Denmark, UAE, India, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, Great Britain, the USA, and Sweden.
In 2017 а group of Nexxway enthusiast engineers developed a modern mobile device incorporating the most innovative engineering solutions. The device bears Nexxway name and has an affordable price.
Along with making the mobile device itself, Nexxway corporation is actively building local dealership networks and service centers in Europe and Southeast Asia. That ensures its global customers get a reliable product and excellent service.

1 - 10 days
30% for the period, 3% payments per day, autopayments every 24 hours
11 - 20 days
40% for the period, 4% payments per day, autopayments every 24 hours
21 - 30 days
50% for the period, 5% payments per day, autopayments every 24 hours
31 - 40 days
80% for the period, 8% payments per day, autopayments every 24 hours

Payment systems: PerfectMoney, Payeer, Bitcoin, AdvancedCash and NixMoney.

Referral program 10% - 3% - 1%

Date : 10/10/2017 15:51
From/To Account : U15664908
Amount : -200.00
Currency : USD
Batch : 190928918
Memo : Shopping Cart Payment. NEXXWAY deposit from polaks.
