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Welcome to Helena Fund

We are a private investment company specialising in early-stage investments in innovative and high potential companies, either as principal or co-investor.
We support business over several development stages and financing rounds on the way to becoming a leading player in your market.
Our experienced investment team stands by companies in the early stages and is a partner in subsequent growth phases.
Our strategy for success is a careful selection of investments, which combined with strong sector focus ensures that we can provide an exceptional quality and level of support.

Investment Plan
1. Your interest is 25% - 30% daily for 5 days or 135% - 160% after 5 days depending on the amount you have on deposit.
2. We pay daily directly to your e-currency account. You do not have to make withdrawal requests.
3. Principal is included in your daily payouts.
4. The minimum deposit is only $1 and there is no maximum.
5. No compounding. But you may make additional deposits at any time. Each new deposit is treated individually.
6. We accept Liberty Reserve
