I am not the admin of the program.

About Us

Started in 2004, our small group consists of several people who are distributed for different kind of experts. Combining all of them together, from Internet Marketing products, affiliate, forex trading , coaching and services related we have found that these are the true power of having diversification in the business. You can never avoid the word “loss” in business but the main key we have maintained for years in our group is by achieving the ultimate power of consistency in gaining the larger number of the winning percentage in each of our deal. After a while practicing this discipline, we have decided to go online by providing our clients the opportunity with our experts power. In return, the clients actually enlarge our company growth by providing a larger capital for us to initiate the bigger return in the future.
We believe that our customers are valuable. Therefore we will ensure you that our customer service also will be at its best. If you do have any query do not hesitate to hit the contact button to contact us. Together we hope that this kind of regular business relationship will benefits both of us. Thank you.

We are currently in prelaunch mode. However you can already start by investing in our PROMO plan (107% after 1 day). We will soon launch and new plan will be ****uted. If you have a question please use the "Contact" button and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thanks.

Affiliates Program

As a reward to our customer who help us to bring new member in we offer a competitive Referral Commision which is 7% from your referral deposits. You can simply you this link format ProsecuredCoLtd . Replace "XXXXXX" with your e-currency account number. It is also COMPULSORY for you to read our F.A.Q before proceed further. Thanks.

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.