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  1. #1
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    As we have all been burned at one time or another on HYIP programs, Surf deals, and everything else out there, this is the first time I researched and tried any of the cash exchange systems which have been around for years, and thousands are making money like nothing else, but not until now have I seen a system like this one. We have all heard of the 1-UP compensation plans, which is what all these cash systems were using, but with this one, you don't pass up your first cash out, it is yours, and this changes everything. Now you cash out fast, and so does everyone else which drives this system like none before it. Say goodbye to HYIP's and Surf deals, International Cash Exchange system is a must have system perfect for these difficult economic times.

    I like to gamble, so having tried PIPS, as most here have, I learned my lesson the hard way, it was my first and last HYIP scam. I know many others lost far more in other deals, so we are all on the same page regarding online programs, it is throwing money into a black hole, with very few ever cashing out in profit.

    Well, I for one am always looking for the better mouse trap, and given the economy is collapsing all around the world like dominos, led by the U.S., there had to be a better way to weather this economic crisis. As many now know, a worldwide recession is unavoidable, so everyone will be impacted sooner or later, and this is why this system is exploding worldwide.

    Simply put, I started researching recession proof businesses and business tools, and in doing so, I was introduced to this new international cash exchange system which got my attention, and I am glad it did. With the common knowledge that all these HYIP's and Surf deals are easily brought down by the regulators, as in the case with PIPS and ADS, as most recent examples, never mind the scammers who run them, this is the answer.

    It becomes obvious that the only way to earn long term cash is to do it with a totally private system, no company, no bank accounts, thereby, no money to be seized as with ASD which regulators got over a $100M which no one will see a dime back on, no matter what the final outcome. Why, because they seized all assets, not just freeze funds like with PIPS, but seized, which is the newest strategy regulators are now using in U.S.

    Simply put, you will receive cash currencies from all over the world in total privacy, no company, no central clearing, no banks, and most important, no regulations. We already know we cannot trust banks, never mind out of control regulators, so what protection is there against all these scams? Member to member international cash exchange is the only answer in my research, and as I have discovered, the system works. This is a totally automated system which utilizes all the latest marketing tools and strategies, so take the free tour and learn to earn, and learn not to get burned. If you like to gamble like I do, but without the risk, then this system is for you. No 1-UP, so take the free 7 Video tour, you won't regret it.

    Success to all, Mike

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    I'll have a peek at it to see how this can be added to my various options... in this world as I see it, and since 1986 since I retired, one needs to save as many options with banking needs as with the money you have for keeps!!!

    cheers Mike.

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    Default Worldwide cash gifting exchange legal reviews

    Hi Yogi,

    Yes, I agree, you can never have too many options, but with so many having lost so many times with all these HYIP's, I can see why this is exploding, it even caught me by surprise. I passed them by, but this time it got my attention for a doctor friend turned me on to this cash generation strategy.

    Wow, you retired in '86, so how old are you. lol I tried retiring once, but I am a workaholic, so only lasted two years and figured I enjoy working for myself, so decided to work until I drop, never mind recession which almost mandates I continue working. The only difference now is how I work, smart rather than hard. lol

    Thanks, Mike

  6. #4
    Senior Member MegaPlex's Avatar
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    Hows your Cash Gifting activity goinf for you?


  7. #5
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    Default Pay It Forward Cash Gifting Sweeping The World

    Quote Originally Posted by MegaPlex View Post
    Hows your Cash Gifting activity goinf for you?

    Amazingly, the worse the recession gets, the more people are looking for recession proof strategies, and that is all I can point to as to why this activity is exploding.

    I try to analyze everthing, and just as MLM had its time, then HYIP's and AutoSurf, Survey deals, and on and on it goes, now is the era of gifting, and the reasons are many. First, everyone I talk to has the exact same dilemma, they are seeing their profits shrink as this recession takes its toll.
    Second, almost everyone who calls was in MLM industry, and we all see how much the recession is impacting this industry. What do people cut back on when tightening their budgets, name ***** or high price products, hence, MLM takes a hit. Third, and probably what most can relate to, they are curious. lol

    One last common thread I hear from most is how gifting is no more difficult than any other home business, it is all about numbers, they more you expose it to, the more will respond and join your team. I have always operated several businesses at once, and the effort it takes to promote is the same for each. I give everything a full year to mature, and put the same marketing strategies in place for each, primarily in SEO to get on top of search engines. If a program does not have true value, you are dead, people are not making big purchases, so where I see my other businesses tapering off, gifting activity has been increasing.

    I still cannot believe how many people are finally looking at it when, like me, I had ignored it for years. Having been burned by HYIP and AdSurf deals, I didn't look at anything but conventional value oriented products and services, but then I got curious, and knowing my Doc stopped hounding me on all the nutritional deals he was in, I was curious why he wasn't hitting me on anything, and then I bribed him to tell me, and as crazy as it is, he was into gifting.

    It is all about which system you choose, and in my experience, it is not easy unless you spend a ton of time researching them all, and wow, is industry ever growing. lol We list the major list of seven to help people cut through the market to the best. Best advice, skip all the 1-UP deals, no offence, as they are called Aussie 1-UPs, they are history, dinosaur systems in my opinion, in fact, that was why I stayed away, I hate programs that require you to pass up your first gift or sale depending on program.

    Once you see the automated aspects kick in, and it happens fact due to the free 7 video series people register for with our system, it is all automated up until people call or email you with questions. I know this may sound strange, but we don't sell it, we simply tell it. Our focus is to make friends, offer advice freely, no pressure, no chasing people, and this I find the most attractive aspect of our system, it is different, and when you operate without the usual hype and pressure like the others, you will find the real secret to success, it is called the law of attraction. The more we push people away, tell them to take their time, think about it, the more quickly they want to get involved.

    I could go on and on about what I have discovered, but it is up to each person to decide, some, like myself were skeptical, which is natural, but given this is an activity among friends, as in new friends, it builds a long term relationship given I will always have a vested interest in your success. All the others are hit and run. Think about that for a minute. In the 1-UP system, your sponsor is only there for you long enough to get your first pass up, then they are long gone. In our system, we focus on getting the first gift in your pocket, and the more we do this, the more we are rewarded with residual revenues well beyond our own individual efforts, and this is a BIG difference.

    Like I have always said, I would rather have a million friends than a million dollars, now I have both. lol Always nice to add new friends from all around the world, and not have to worry about being screwed by a scammer or company that gets attacked by regulators, this is so refreshing and simple, no hassles of product delivery, inventory, credit card chargebacks, e-currencies ripping you off, this is back to basics, Pay It Forward. Did you see the movie? I do believe this has set the tone for why gifting is exploding like it is, the movies message says it all. Pay It Forward is a feel good activity for everyone, rich or poor, it works.

    Pay It Forward, Mike

  8. #6
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    Wow! Seems great. I don't quite understand how it works but i'll have a peek...

    Thanks for sharing this program anyway...


  9. #7
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    Default RECESSION PROOF CASH GIFTING Replaces HYIP Investment Programs as TOP Money Maker


    The worse the recession gets, the more popular cash gifting gets. I don't know the answer yet, but everyone I am talking to is coming from a position of concern for their jobs, MLM declining profits are where the majority are coming from, and then those who simply want to feel good about what they are doing in helping others to financial freedom. Whatever your reason, you have to research this new activity which is now exploding due to recession and tougher economic times. Find out why for yourself.

    Success to all, Mike

  10. #8
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    what are the rates ????
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  11. #9
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    Default Cash Gifting Growing

    Quote Originally Posted by colimxa View Post
    what are the rates ????
    What rates? There are no rates so to speak.

    Success to all, Mike

  12. #10
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    Default International Global CASH GIFTING is Exploding Recession Proof MoneyMaker


    The worse the recession gets, the more people are looking outside the small box they are use to being confined to. Heck, I was once in the same box, having a job, working to survive, not thrive, well, unless you look outside your box, you will never see success in a deel recession, if not depression we are all going through at this time.

    Why does gifting work, because it is a simple concept, people helping people, friends helping friends, and by developing relationships while mentoring and helping others, we all win, but only if you choose the best gifting system. Magnetic gifting is not based on selling or inducement, it is bases on establishing friendships first, cultivating and educating others, and it works far better than the original gifting systems.

    Success to all, Mike

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