I am not the admin of the program.

Welcome To Global Finance

Global Finance International providing full service investment solutions of different industries and sizes across the international. we first offered our unique services. The results were so positive, and the feedback to offer our services to the entire world.

Global Finance professional expertise allows us to offer you secure returns on investments. We use various strategies. Diversification in trading is its most important part which minimizes the risks and generate larger profits.

Global Finance is a key to prosperity and financial stability.

Our mission is to provide our investors with a great opportunity for their funds by investing as prudently as possible in various arenas to gain a high rates in return. We offer you very simple investment opportunities with our group of the professional analysts.

Global Finance offer two investment package :

1. Simple Plan

Offers 36%-39.5% Daily For 3 Days. For this plan principal not back because already back in daily profit. Actual profit start from 2.66%-6.1% daily for 3 days.

2. Best Plan

Offers 3.6%-7.6% Daily For 25 Days. For this plan principal will be automatic back return after 25 days.

All payments are made to your account Daily.

You may make an additional spend as many times as you like.

Minimum investment start from $10 and no maximum.

All transactions are handled via LibertyReserve.


Simple Plan
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
Bronze $10 - $500 36.00
Silver $501 - $5,000 36.50
Gold $5,001 - $10,000 38.00
Platinum $10,001 and more 39.50

Best Plan
Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit (%)
Bronze $10 - $500 3.60
Silver $501 - $5,000 4.10
Gold $5,001 - $10,000 5.60
Platinum $10,001 and more 7.60

Join referral program and earn up to 15.00% of referral deposit. No need required deposit for join referral program.

Level Referral Bonus
Name From To Commision (%)
Ref. 1 1 250 1.50
Ref. 2 251 500 5.00
Ref. 3 501 and more 15.00

For more information, visit
Global Finance, Int

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before considering to invest in any program.