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Welcome to BricsForex.com

Through our knowledge in niche trading of Forex, derivatives, and other financial instruments, BricsForex.com have been consistenly generating wealth from the vast and often un-tapped currency and security markets on emerging countries since 2005.

Our online presence (BricsForex.com) was established in 2008 as a way to bring the same highly succesful investing methodology to the global investor. We have tailored each one of our investments funds to satisfy the different needs, styles, and financial goals of each individual investor.

Unlike many fly-by-night and other ponzi investment scams that promise outrageous returns, BricsForex.com brings to the table years of solid experience on emerging markets, offering our investors the peace of mind of a secure investment while still providing a highly lucrative and reasonable return on their money.

Return: 1.3% to 1.6%
Minimum: $50
Maximum: $999.99
Maturity: 100 days
Compound: Not allowed

Junior Fund
Return: 1.5% to 1.9%
Minimum: $1000
Maximum: $2999.99
Maturity: 100 days
Compound: Up to 10%

Senior Fund
Return: 1.8% to 2.3%
Minimum: $3000
Maximum: $6999.99
Maturity: 100 days
Compound: Up to 25%

Graduate Fund
Return: 2.1% to 3.0%
Minimum: $7000
Maximum: No limit
Maturity: 100 days
Compound: Up to 40%
