I am not the admin of the program.

Welcome to www.privateplan00009.com.
www.privateplan00009.com is a private program and is not open to the general public.
www.privateplan00009.com makes money off of auction sites.
In a nutshell here is how the program works.
we have the working capital ($100,000)
we make about 10-11% per day on our auctions.
we pay out 5% to people in the program
earnings will be sunday through thursday
payouts will be monday through friday
the $100,000 always stays in the system to purchase new products to auction
this goes on as long as our auctions remain profitable and viable
i literally see no end to it
it is not like the deposits expire
it is just that no one can withdraw their initial investment and cash out so to speak.
the initial investment always stays in


5% daily lifetime
Plan Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
5% daily $50 - $100,000 5.00

All payments are made to your account Daily.
Minimum spend is $50 and there is total maximum of $100,000 for the program. Once the total investment in the site has reached $100,000, then the site will be closed to new deposits.
You may make an additional spend as many times as you like.
All transactions are handled via liberty reserve. If you do not have a liberty reserve account, you need to get one www.libertyreserve.com.

Use our referral program and earn up to 5.00% of referral deposits!

Our first level referral bonuses:
Name From To Commision (%)
5% daily 1 1099 5.00

For more information, visit

Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.