I am not the admin of the program.


We are a team of professional traders trading at major markets, such as SP, Dow, NASDAQ and FOREX. Regardless of what markets we trade at, we have been able to deliver above average results for our investors resulting in substantial increase of their capital. For the last few years our satisfied investors have recommended us to their friends and acquaintances, so we realize there is a need for a program like ours that will enable online investors to benefit from market trading. The program that investors from all over the world can participate in, the program that can fulfill and exceed investors expectations.

If you are looking for promising and profitable investment opportunities, if you need a suitable and long-standing program, you will find the ideal partner here. We offer investors the opportunity to benefit from our professionals’ investment expertise.

Our investment plans:
1.4-2.0% daily for 150 days ( Compounding options ) Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit
Plan 1 $10 - $500 1.4%
Plan 2 $501 - $5000 1.6%
Plan 3 $5001 - $8000 1.8%
Plan 4 $8001 - $10000 2.0%

Up to 6.2 daily for 20 trading days Plan Spent Amount (US$) Daily Profit Total Return
Plan 1 $100 - $1000 5.5% $110
Plan 2 $1001 - $5000 5.8% $116
Plan 3 $5001 - $8000 6.0% $120
Plan 4 $8001 - $10000 6.2% $124

10 hourly for 100 hours Plan Spent Amount (US$) 10-minutes Profit Total Return
Plan 1 $0.5 - $10 10% $21900

All payments are made to your account Daily.
Minimum spend is $10 and the maximum is $10,000
you may make an additional spend as many times as you like.
All transactions are handled via e-currencies. If you don't have an e-currency account, you need to get one. We have a referral program which pays up to 5 % of spend made by your referrer. Your payment rate depends on how many people you refer (see table below).
(Notice that only referrals that have made a deposit are taken into account)
Referral payments are made instantly to members accounts and are withdraw able instantly.

Plan Number of active referrals Payment (%)
Level A 1+ 5%

For more information, visit


Added for discussion


Please do your DD before investing in any program.