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  1. #991
    Senior Investor lyas's Avatar
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    Date: 2010-04-01 19:33
    Batch: 34402365
    From Account: U8298438 (PTVW2)
    Amount: $27.00
    Memo: PTV Partner Withdrawal # 16276

    Thanks admin

  2. #992
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    From the Admin...PTVPartner...April 1, 2010

    Important Update

    Account Suspension

    After further discovery, it is evident that many members did not intentionally attempt to withdraw funds that were improperly posted to their accounts.

    We have decided NOT to suspend the accounts that attempted to withdraw excessively posted returns. Therefore, we are going to make the corrections, as we can discover them, and allow the account to stay intact.

    This is a grueling process. Therefore, in order to make the corrections, those that have pending withdraws and a double return or double referral fee, will find their withdraw request canceled, the correction added to their history, and the withdraw can then be re-requested. It is the only way we can properly overcome this headache.

    This also is the reason that some of the payouts are not completing in the usual timeframe. However, we are still completing most all of them in the 24 to 48 hour period. There are some accounts that take enormous time to correct. Those accounts are being set aside and corrected after the bulk of the days batch is completed.

    We know you will find this as good news. We sincerely apologize for any delay you have experienced. We have all worked extreme hours to correct this error.

    Money News Online – Rebuttal

    Paul: “I’m afraid these script errors and issues can negatively affect the cashflow of the PTVPartner program within the next couple of weeks as I saw many programs before that collapsed due to similar problems. So if you consider to invest in PTVPartner at the moment I would advise to wait for a week or so and give them a proper chance to get everything fixed.”

    Garrett: We do not have a cash flow problem. But we cannot just pay twice as much to everyone affected. Therefore we must take the time to visually check each transaction history for every single withdraw request to determine if double posting are included. If not, we will then make the payouts to all those not affected. Following that we will correct the accounts affected and the withdraw can be re-requested.

    The double posting problem has already been corrected. Now the only thing left to do is correct the history of the accounts affected. Your are free to withdraw and deposit as you see fit.

    Paul: “The withdrawal requests are also taking longer than usual now and I had all my pendings cancelled tonight due to script miscalculations.”

    Garrett: All withdraw requests not affected by the double post have been completed on time and in full.

    Paul: “Honestly I don’t see why the latest newsletter from Garrett (interviewed here) holds the members responsible for withdrawing extra money – the error is on PTVPartner’s side so it should be rectified as soon as possible and while it’s possible. I think it’s unacceptable to blame members who try to withdraw from their account balances due to the script issues.”

    Garrett: Although we never held members responsible for the error caused by our script, we were feeling as if many took or attempted to take advantage. However, after reading Pauls statements and discussing the situation with several members, it was apparent that in many cases the members did not realize they were requesting withdraws in excess of what was correct. So we decided not to suspend any accounts and only make the corrections and then move forward.

    Paul: “And one more point: with the recent hacking incidents in so many other programs and daily closures, the investors’ mood is focused mostly on withdrawing funds and not re-depositing them back into any older programs so this factor can also play a crucial negative role in the future of PTVPartner”

    Garrett: This factor won’t play any role on the future of PTVPartner whatsoever. We realize that many members are fearful because of what has happened at various other programs. If they want to pull out funds from PTVPartner accounts they are free to do so. This will not affect our program. We are NOT reliant on your deposits to continue. Take whatever you need or want. It’s your money, it’s your investment, it’s your decision.

    Paul: “Let’s just hope that Garrett which I truly consider as one of the best and most talented HYIP admins will be able to rectify all the issues and turn PTVPartner back into the vibrant and growing program that we all know it can be.”

    Garrett: Thanks Paul, I appreciate that. Understand, for us, we see nothing but Blue Sky on the horizon.

    Bank Wires are coming soon.

    A New Debit Card will soon be available.
    A new Server Cluster is being configured today (reason for today’s downtime)
    Numerous new features are being added.
    Membership is growing by leaps and bounds. We have had a massive influx of new members since the closing of GNI and Genius Funds. Members are finding PTVPartner a safe harbor and a refreshing change.
    New investment opportunities are happening for the PTV Group which only improves the opportunities for PTV.

    We are not going anywhere. We are Vibrant and we are Growing. This is nothing but a speed bump on the Road that is PTVPartner.

    The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
    Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!
    Those pesky speed bumps...PTV is a great Road...I'm loving the journey!!!!!

  3. #993
    Senior Investor Soulmarket's Avatar
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    Paid again ,if you want invest this is the right place .......
    4/2/2010 01:23 34424860 U6060976 (PTVW3) + $77.00

    Paying Program Listed on 'My Reliable Investment Programs'

  4. #994
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    Date : 04/01/2010 19:13
    From/To Account : U1346207
    Amount : 3.00
    Currency : USD
    Batch : 2714924
    Memo : API Payment.
    Payment ID : 16355

    Date : 04/02/2010 00:38
    From/To Account : U1346207
    Amount : 93.75
    Currency : USD
    Batch : 2716722
    Memo : API Payment.
    Payment ID : 16525

    Date : 04/02/2010 00:38
    From/To Account : U1346207
    Amount : 112.5
    Currency : USD
    Batch : 2716734
    Memo : API Payment.
    Payment ID : 16613
    Тhanks admin!

  5. #995
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    Paid in time!

    Date : 2010-01-04 19:34:20
    From/To Account : U8298438 (PTVW2)
    Amount : 200.0000
    Currency : LRUSD
    Batch : 34402599
    Memo : PTV Partner Withdrawal # 16471

  6. #996
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    From the Admin…

    PTV Partner Page - April 1st, 2010

    Happy April Fool's Day!

    While some have been through the ups and downs these last couple days with us we want to thank everyone for your support. We know the speculations and the fun time the forums have had saying we were gone while the site was down. I guess we, once again, proved them wrong. So now they can be the one's to look like the fools while we go about getting back to "business as usual".

    Payout Update:

    For anyone who hasn't been made aware, the payouts have been completed up to the March 31st except for a handful of problem accounts that are being adjusted and manually corrected. These will all be completed shortly and be back on track as well. Please be patient just a short time longer and everything will be finished.

    Suspensions Update:

    We have sent out an update on the problem account and suspension situation. If you have not yet read it you will find it posted in our forum, on our blog, and around many forums on the internet. Please take the time to read there.

    Blog Articles of the Day:

    60 Minutes Exposes United States Financial Collapse

    You've heard about the bubbles and the crashes right? You've heard about the large bonuses that Wall Street paid itself right? Have you heard about the subprime mess? Ok, so where are we now? What's changed? You might do well to find out. Go to the blog for the answers.

    7 Things about the Economy Everyone Should Worry About

    "Hanrahan’s articles explore key elements of the story that reporters should have been — and should still be — writing about. Among them: The endemic fraud at the heart of the collapse, the resultant need for a comprehensive dissection of some key financial institutions, how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have weakened the economy, the dramatic effects of the crash on domestic poverty and world poverty, and underlying it all, the critically important role of government spending in a recovery, be it through a second stimulus or expanded entitlements or jobs programs, all of which requires that deficits be seen, for the short run at least, as the solution, not the problem."

    The articles lay out 7 real points that every reader should be aware of and know. What can be done about these?

    National Socialist States of America

    "Wake up America! What’s happening today sounds exactly like what the British crown did to the colonists in the 1700’s, by controlling their commerce and imposing undue taxes upon them. And what was the response from the colonists and our Founding Fathers? They drove them out of OUR country with whatever means were available, up to and including waging war on the tyranny of the crown."

    To really appreciate this statement you must read the whole article. If you don't, you may be sorry.

    How to Preserve Privacy Online

    Wow.. if you don't know about all the things you can reveal and ways you can be tracked online this is the article to read. Not only do you give away your information readily if you're not careful but you leave yourself open to unhappy consequences. Also, in this article the matter of online privacy and government snooping is also discussed. Where do we draw the line on hacking and snooping? Read the article and really think about the protection of yourself and your family and follow the steps outlined.

    Joke of the Day:

    Top 10 Al Roker Explanations For Why It's So Cold"

    10. "An area of low pressure, which is formed in eastern Canada, moved quickly southeast... oh, who am I kidding? I have no idea what I'm talking about"
    9. "You didn't hear it from me, but earth has spun out of orbit and is hurdling away from the sun"
    8. "With a Kuchinich Presidency still a slight possibility, hell is beginning to freeze over"
    7. "Who cares about the weather -- "Don't I look great?""
    6. "The Gods are angry about that Britney Spears marriage"
    5. "Someone must have left the Ed Sullivan Theater doors open"
    4. "If I actually knew, don't you think I'd be doing something about it"
    3. "Let's just say it's gonna stay cold 'till I get a raise"
    2. "Don't know, but we could figure it out over a warm snuggle by a roaring fire at my place"
    1. "It's January, you pantywaists -- get over it!!"

    Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!

    Hope to see you at Happy Hour…Friday Midnight GMT…more PTV $$$$$$$$$

  7. #997
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    4/3/2010 04:37 34524147 U6060976 (PTVW3) + $66.00 $0.66

    Memo: PTV Partner Withdrawal # 16640

    got paid again,thanks admin

  8. #998
    Senior Investor's Avatar
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    Date: 2010-03-04 04:37:20
    Batch: 34524219
    From Account: U6060976
    Amount: $48.00
    Memo: PTV Partner Withdrawal # 16690

  9. #999
    Senior Investor ravitejag's Avatar
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    Update from the admin:

    PTV Partner Page - April 2nd, 2010


    New Meeting

    Monday April 5th at 3pm GMT (that's 8am PDT, 10am CDT, 11am EDT)

    Status of Accounts

    All payouts are completed for today.
    All duplicates have been removed or edited.
    All pendings are done

    *** A few members had withdraws that had to be cancelled so corrections could be made but that is done now and they should find their funds in the withdrawable Money balance.

    we may still see some doubles but they will be script corrected until we can get to the bottom.

    we are making some changes that will or should correct everything by tomorrow night

    We know that many will be glad to have their accounts fixed but we request that you NOT reply to tickets or send tickets saying thank you. ***

    Blog Articles of the Day:

    Capital Controls are Here?

    Here is a discussion on the recent addition of the HIRE act. If you don't know what it is then you need to read this article. If you're not sure what "capital controls" are you need to read this article. Here is part of what passed in these additions:

    "Provision requires that foreign banks not only withhold 30% of all outgoing capital flows (likely remitting the collection promptly back to the U.S. Treasury), but also disclose the full details of non-exempt account-holders to the U.S. and the IRS."

    How does this impact you? Read here.

    Western Civilization and the Economic Crisis: Impoverishment of the Middle Class When Empire Hits Home, Part 2

    A frank discussion on the new state of the middle class now folding under the mounting debt, increasing taxes and the resulting legislations being passed. This is part 2 of the series.

    UN official expects no climate deal until 2011
    Climate control is a big issue. There is much debate. There had been high expectations to have some deals in place for legislation and controls on environmental issues but these changes seem to be further in the future then planned now. Read about it here.
    Also, we have articles on balancing work with home and a discussion on HSAs.

    Joke of the Day:

    A resident in a posh hotel breakfast room called over the head waiter one morning and read from the menu. "I'd like one under-cooked egg so that it's runny, and one over-cooked egg so that it's tough and hard to eat. I'd also like grilled bacon which is a bit on the cold side, burnt toast, butter straight from the freezer so that it's impossible to spread, and a pot of very weak, lukewarm coffee." "That's a complicated order sir," said the bewildered waiter. "It might be quite difficult." The guest replied sarcastically, "It can't be that difficult because that's exactly what you brought me yesterday!"

    Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!


  10. #1000
    Senior Investor ravitejag's Avatar
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    4/3/2010 04:34 34523837 U8298438 (PTVW2) + $72.49

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