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  1. #41
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    9.17.2009 PTV Update

    All Withdraw Requests for 9.17.2009 were Processed On-Time and In-Full

    I wanted to present you with a few moments of the latest news regarding PTVPartner.

    What a turn out we have had. Seems Like all of a sudden the flood gates were opened and here they come. No doubt word is getting out; investors are looking, liking what they have found here and getting involved. We can now say we have some really serious investors. We have had several participants come on board and pony-up mid-to-high 4 figure investments into the Prestige program (40 day plan). Today was another record breaking participation day and we are pleased with the quality of the investor as well. We have over 600 total members with numbers increasing by the hour.

    We still have our contests going. If you have not heard about our contests then you need to come see what the entire ‘buzz’ is about. We have two contests, for members and non-members, which include a top prize of $50.00! All you have to do is stop by the chat room, receive your special number and vote in our poll. Don’t miss this!

    In regards to our affiliate program and possibly making changes from 6% to a 3-2-2 multi-level commission structure. The for’s and against are running neck and neck. Listen. This may or may not affect you now. But it will. There is no doubt in our minds that this program will join the ranks of the HYIP elite. You ARE going to be a part of this! You WILL have referral commission revenue! So you SHOULD make your preferences’ known! What can hurt? Come by and vote. It is easy! It is free! It is painless! And it could pay off!

    DVDHyip.blogsot.c o m posted our review yesterday. The response has also been tremendous. If you have not read it you should definitely take a look. DVDHyip blogspot is a very well put together blog. I particularly like the Rating system and the way he has broken down the program into categories. I am definitely going to add this blog to my ‘must reads’. You should do yourself a favor and check out his blog at

    We added a new feature to our site today. We have had several request from members wanting a way to re-deposit their funds without using the compound feature and without waiting 24 hours for the withdraw requests to process. So, in answer to their requests we created a re-deposit feature. If you decide you want to re-deposit in to the deposit account, you can use this simple feature to do so. This will save you the 24 hours and give you an extra day of interest without using the compound feature. If you prefer to first withdraw your funds and manually redeposit, then by all means feel free to do so.

    Our new website is coming along fantastically. We are already way ahead of schedule. As soon as we get the main page and 3d rendering completed we will display it for you to get a glimpse of what we are doing. It looks like we could finish in 2 to 3 more weeks instead of the 6 to 8 we expected. I cannot wait for you to see this site.

    We are fast becoming the talk-of-the-town. So come see what all the excitement is about.
    Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!

    PTVPartner Admin
    The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Portfolio!!!

  2. #42
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    PTVPartner Update 9.18.2009

    What a Day!
    Things just keep getting better and better and better.
    I am truly amazed at the reception we are having. Every day the members join rate increases over the last. Practically every day, the Investment Deposits increase over the last. Definitely every day, confidence is building. Members are happier, more excited.
    Our new site is coming along Grandly. Spectacularly, if I do say so myself. I wanted to offer you a glimpse so you could see I was not just blowing smoke when I told you it would be awesome. You must go see this. It is too good to miss.
    Here is a Mock Up. Yes it has some errors and bugs and is unfinished. But check it out anyway. Be sure and click the red arrows in the menu bar as well as scroll down the page to expose the footer.
    I would be very interested in your opinions, good or bad.

    We are excited as well for the chat room attendance. It may not seem like much, be we have started to develop a few regulars and Are having a lot of fun with each of them. We have decided to re-arrange the chat rooms slightly. Since we really don’t have the support issues we thought were possible we are moving support to a secondary room when needed. The main room will be a Community Chat room instead. In hear we can speak multiple languages. Since the majority of members are English speaking we ask that you take other languages to a private conversation. But there are many going on.
    We have also added an MP3 music Video player to the room. Here we can bring tutorials in, instructional videos, as well as of course music videos.
    To add, we have a Chinese speaking chat room and a Russian as well.
    Lastly for the chat room we added an encryption module so that all correspondence is safe and secure.

    We also upgraded our forum today. This offered increased abilities and eased navigation.
    Things are looking up and our alexa is coming down. Be sure and….

    Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and… Free your Life!!!
    Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!

    PTVPartner Admin
    The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Portfolio!!!

  3. #43
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    forgot the

    you have to check this out...promise!
    Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!

    PTVPartner Admin
    The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Portfolio!!!

  4. #44
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    Oh, I love this program!!!

    I Got Paid:

    Investment # 3011
    Plan: Advantage
    Status: expired
    Invested Amount: $50
    Total Return: $62.5 (100%)

    And I reinvested:

    Thank you very much for investing money with PTV Partner.
    Investment ID # 3324
    Amount: $200.68 USD
    Plan: Prestige

    Thank you Garrett for bringing us this awesome program!

    I have "Started the Experience" to "Free My Life"

  5. #45
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    9.19.2009 PTV Partner Update

    If you cannot see it clearly, then you are just not looking! And definitely not listening! PTV Partner is lighting up the HYIP World. You are definitely going to want to be a part of this. Investor or not, If you come and check out what is going on at PTVPartner, you WILL want to be a part of it. Go ahead, accept my challenge! What do you have to lose? Just take a look and you will quickly realize why the movement is happening and it is happening now.

    The way we see it, you only have two choices, join an HYIPonzi, or an HYIP

    If you have not seen our new website ‘Mock-up’ then that is a fine place to start. This is by all means, one of the most awesome sites on the web. That statement alone should be enough to make you at least want to look at it. This is what some of our members have said…


    “All I can say is WOW!”

    “The most awesome site I have ever seen, BRAVO!”

    You can view the mock up at

    Once you have seen it, please come by the chat and let me know what you think. I would really love the opportunity to say hello and also to say… ‘I told you so!’

    Our Alexa keeps dropping ….. In the hallmarked words of John Travolta, may I just say…… “Ain’t it cool!”

    We have made a change to the Affiliate program Poll contest today. And now the vote is swinging wide in the new direction. It was suggested, and added to the voting options, that we discontinue the referral bonus altogether. Add 5% to your returns and pay our mods a 1% bonus (distributed between them). Once we added that as an option, many people cancelled their original vote and re-voted in favor of this option. Come by and tell us what YOU think. Member or not, we would appreciate your point of view.

    Old habits die hard though. We have worked with brokers in our business dealings forever. We felt as if that trend might as well be continued in this endeavor as well. Especially considering that this HYIP world is practically fueled by referral systems.

    But the opposing argument does hold merit. We don’t need a huge rush of members or an ever increasing deposit amount to maintain this program.

    So why have a referral program at all?

    In looking at the HYIP arena, when we developed the plan and strategies to succeed here, we included a referral system, because like I said, we work with brokers in all of our endeavors and this world of HYIP is structured with referral programs as the norm. We set our program up to compete here. To enable us to ‘fit in’. Just because we don’t need huge members and deposits to survive, does not by any means exclude the fact that we want to build our program. And therein lays the differences. We desire, structure and enable ourselves to succeed at everything we do. Why should PTVPartner be in any way different? We will be the Top Dog, Numero Uno, the Kingpin of this industry. It is inevitable. Less than that is not an option.

    We have the perfect investment plans, sustainable. We have the perfect referral program which allows a joint venture or brokerage relationship to exist. This fits excellently into the mold that has been established in the HYIP world long before we arrived here. We have a phenomenal new site, innovative, progressive, and pleasing to view, unlike anything else around. We have superior Support; live 24 hours per day and 7 days per week with multiple options to serve you. We have a good Mod base, many multilingual mods (13+), who work tirelessly to ensure you are serviced and supported. (They receive the 6% referral commission from all members that join our site un-associated with any affiliate.) We have superior communication thru my staff and myself, who also spend many hours a day behind the scenes to absolutely provide the best possible of the best. We have superior security including SSL, DDos, IonCube encoding, fully unique custom script with all the features you want and more to come. Plus we are protected by being offshore, private, detailed with amazingly substantial Non-Disclosures and extremely well supported, fortified business entities to guarantee no outside jurisdictional threats can prevail against this, YOUR opportunity. Believe it or not, we have left no stone unturned. Our attention to detail IS your warm blanket of Security.

    What more could you want?

    You can have the above …or … you can choose to remain subjected to the Ponzification programs you have been participating in.

    Which do you prefer? ….. HYIProgram? ….. or… HYIPonzi?

    We feel the choice is clear! All that is left now is for you to....

    ….Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!

    All Withdraw requests for 9/19/2009 have been processed On-Time and In-Full!!!
    Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!

    PTVPartner Admin
    The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Portfolio!!!

  6. #46
    Senior Member
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    9/21/2009 00:10 2000xxxx U606xxxx (ptvwithdraw3c) + $12.00

    Receive nice referral payment here

  7. #47
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    9.22.2009 PTV Partner Update

    We have had quite the exciting last few days. Lots of people are visiting and enjoying the chat room and the Moderator staff there, as well as each other’s company. Many Positive remarks found all over the internet HYIP forums is a great indicator that our members are happy, full of praise and actually very excited about all that is going on here at PTVPartner.

    Our Alexa Rating is getting better every single day.

    More and More members are hanging out at our chat. PTV is the Place to Be.

    Withdrawal Requests go out like clockwork, as always.

    Support tickets are few and far between. No issues of any severity to report. Kind of a,… "laid back jack" Just good times…good friends…good attitudes…on time payments. What more can I say?

    I will tell you that, the new, website is getting closer every day. There should be some updates to it in the next day or two, then the completion could be next week, if we are fortunate.

    We have made some decisions regarding AP and STP. Since they are not offshore and potentially can cause challenges for us with respect to their government’s decision to allow or disallow participation in programs like ours. According to our terms of service, you are responsible to determine if your government will allow you to participate here or not. We are not required to uphold a KYC policy. However, if your government does not allow you to participate, then don’t. We would prefer you to remain out of our program than participate here and cause problems. We are not going to police this. What we are going to do is protect ourselves, this program and those that are in compliance. We encrypt databases, maintain a SSL for correspondence purposes and remain offshore or in protected jurisdictions that provide for our members a safe program to participate in.
    Unfortunately AP and STP do not provide this for you or ourselves.

    We now have verified accounts with Global Digital Pay. (GDP,.. in case you like acronyms).
    This is the ecurrency that was created by London Gold Exchange. LGE, is a highly favored, renowned and a ******* in the ecurrency business. They have a very good track record, and we are certain that they will provide a very good ecurrency. Here is what their website has to say….

    “Global Digital Pay is fully owned by Digital Trade Network Ltd, a British Virgin Islands company, incorporated in 2008. Its owners have been involved in the digital currency exchange industry since 2002.

    After many turbulent years of fraudulent or incompetent digital currency payment providers creating uncertainty and mistrust in the industry, it became obvious that a new digital currency was needed urgently.

    This new digital currency had to be immediately accepted as trustworthy and managed by an experienced team that had an existing track record of consistency, honesty and credibility. Hence, Global Digital Pay was founded.”
    We encourage you to check out their website and consider them as an alternative to AP or STP.

    In addition we are submitting our docs to Strict Pay. Strict pay is another Offshore ecurrency. They are well liked and have reportedly very good customer service. We are certain this is going to be a well received decision.

    Further, we are looking into the addition of 2 offshore financial institutions. This may take a few more weeks to complete. Once we add these, If we add these, they will offer many additional services for you as members including offshore entities at very reasonable prices, debit cards as well as other fiduciary products and services. We will release additional information once it is in line and accomplished.

    Great things are happening. You need to come by and check it out. It will take very little time for you to see why we say…

    Start the Experience … join PTVPartner and … Free your Life!!!
    Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!

    PTVPartner Admin
    The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Portfolio!!!

  8. #48
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    9/23/2009 00:02 20087943 U6060976 (ptvwithdraw3c) + $12.00

  9. #49
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    9/23/2009 00:02 20087941 U6060976 (ptvwithdraw3c) + $5.00
    Merchant Reference: 264
    Memo: PTV Partner Withdrawal # 264

  10. #50
    Senior Investor hinomaru's Avatar
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    Invested here...

    Date: 2009-23-09 15:48:32
    Batch: 20112389
    To: U8774564 (PTVD1)
    Amount: 10
    Currency: LRUSD
    Memo: Deposit money for PT1533362

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