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  1. #801
    Senior Investor ravitejag's Avatar
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    New Update from the Admin:
    PTV Partner Page - February 12th, 2010

    Last meeting of the week today. Did you make it? If not, you should have. It's always a great time and packed with information. Don't worry if you didn't. We will be holding more next week. Please try to come and learn about the exciting project that fuels our program and what we are planning for the future. You really need to know as much as you can about where your money is working and how we sustain our payouts.

    Opinion of the Admin

    Today we thought we'd change it up a bit. Normally, we post just the blog articles and we'll put those in here too but we think this important enough to try to make sure it's read by as many as possible. It's titled: The Ratification of 16th Amendment and the Assault on Freedom and I thought I'd include it here. Many of our American partners here do not realize how some very historical things impact their modern day life.

    “I don’t want to worry you, but historically this is a bad week for freedom.

    Among the worst events, 97 years ago this week a progressive income tax was made possible in the United States. Prior to this time the Federal Government paid all of its bills (including the salaries of congressmen, presidents, federal judges, et al) from the levies and duties it collected. There was no tax on individual citizens.

    For more than 150 years the country was spared a progressive income tax because (a) the Constitution specifically forbade one and (b) the courts upheld the Constitutional prohibition.

    But neither was able to deter the domestic advocates of this plank right out of the Communist Manifesto forever, unfortunately, and on Feb. 3, 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. A federal income tax and the authority to enforce it—the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)—soon followed.

    Today, almost a century later, the average American toils for nearly five months to earn the money to pay the federal behemoth. It’s still not enough to balance the books, however, as the national debt is growing by $1.4 trillion a year.”

    —Chip Wood

    Blog Article of the Day:

    Do you Google?

    Think you're a terrorist? Well, seems you must be and all the millions of internet users out there. You spend funds so you're a terrorist. You bring in funds so you're a terrorist. You own things so you're a terrorist. AND NOW, you Google so you MUST be a TERRORIST! Yep, you're a cyber-threat and if you don't believe me go read this: Google to Join Forces With N.S.A. But just go to and don't bother Googling. It might make you a terrorist!

    Support Question of the Day:

    One thing that comes up frequently in the chatroom and elsewhere is “How do I declare my income from PTV?” Guys, we'd love to help you out on this but we can't. That would be illegal for us to do in many countries not the least of which is the USA but others as well.

    Everyone and every country has different ways of claiming online income. There are several ways it could be claimed in the US depending on your individual tax situation. I'm sorry but we will not provide the answer to this question. For the answer, you MUST see your tax professional who will provide you with the best, most knowledgeable advice for your particular situation.


    Stay away from this exchanger. Seriously!

    We are doing our due diligence on various exchangers. This one has personally stolen funds from PTV.

    They are an “Accredited Member” of VFS. This apparently is meaningless as neither, AuExchanges or VFS will respond to our emails. We highly recommend that you avoid these services as our efforts to resolve the issue have failed for 2 MONTHS!!!

    We will continue to attempt recovery and in the event we are successful we will make you aware.

    In the interim we suggest you assist us in making the entire digital currency world aware of their scam.

    Please post this warning anywhere and everywhere you can, you can bet we will!

    Joke of the Day:

    Two pieces of string walk into a bar and the bartender looks at them suspiciously. He says "Sorry, boys, we don't serve your kind here." So the pieces of string walk out again.

    They're sitting in the gutter outside and feeling really thirsty when one piece of string says "Hey! I've got an idea to get me into the bar."

    So he starts twisting and turning, wriggling this way and that, pulling out a few threads here and there. His mate's looking at him and thinks he's gone completely nuts.

    Then the piece of string walks back into the bar. The bartender looks at him a little suspiciously again and says "Here, you're not a bit of string, are you?"

    The piece of string replies "No, I'm a frayed knot."

    Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!


  2. #802
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    Have made once more deposit

    Date : 2010-12-02 13:58:44
    From/To Account : U5194384 (PTVD2)
    Amount : -100.0000
    Currency : LRUSD
    Batch : 29413638
    Memo : Deposit money for PT1532695 12.02.2010

  3. #803
    Senior Member
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    Date : 02/13/2010 00:12
    From/To Account : U1388978
    Amount : 63.1
    Currency : USD
    Batch : 2207940
    Memo : API Payment.
    Payment ID : 8914
    Тhanks admin!

  4. #804
    Senior Member
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    Thumbs up

    Get paid
    Date : 2010-13-02 00:44:35
    From/To Account : U6060976 (PTVW3)
    Amount : 1.2400
    Currency : LRUSD
    Batch : 29462605
    Memo : PTV Partner Withdrawal # 8955

    I was always paid in time from the very beginning!

  5. #805
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    From the Admin…

    PTV Partner Page February 12th, 2010


    Monday the 15th at 4pm GMT (10am CST)
    Wednesday the 17th at midnight GMT (6pm CST)
    Friday the 19th at 3am GMT (Thursday the 18th 9pm CST)

    Update regarding Exchanger Warning:

    The issue with Auexchanges is or will be shortly resolved.

    He has moved funds successfully on several occasions.

    SP had several issues with Bank Wires which is well known.

    Their issues seems to have been resolved, however, this has created delays for many of their exchangers. Jimmy seems to be doing his best to accommodate his clients in the least amount of time possible.

    We appreciate his efforts.


    New Notes from This week's Meetings:

    PTV has been online since Aug 28, 2009 – with over 7,000 members - We paid out $6.0M in withdrawals . The active investments are little over $4M with no missed payments. We have new dedicated https secure servers using 4 processors. Jan28 was our 5th month online!

    Blog Article of the Day:

    Europe's woes are US's too

    The interconnections between what happens in Europe and it's affects on the US are explored in this article. Please visit our blog daily!

    Support Question of the Day:

    When should I send a support ticket?

    In most cases you will not need to send a support ticket. Many times you can find a solution in our forum or chat room. Please check both of these places before sending a support ticket. Our moderators are equipped to answer questions regarding procedures, timing, general questions and much more. When they are unable to assist you then they will refer you to the support ticket system.

    Joke of the Day:

    Two guys are out hiking. All of a sudden, a bear starts chasing them.
    They climb a tree, but the bear starts climbing up the tree after them. The first guy gets his sneakers out of his knapsack and starts putting them on.
    The second guy says, "What are you doing?"
    He says, "I figure when the bear gets close to us, we'll jump down and make a run for it."
    The second guy says, "Are you crazy? You can't outrun a bear."
    The first guy says, "I don't have to outrun the bear. I only have to outrun you."

    We would also like to recognize the extraordinary Olympic Event being hosted in Vancouver, BC.

    The opening was absolutely amazing. Many hours of work have gone into this and they have put in a supreme effort to make everything wonderful.

    We would also like to send our condolences to the family of the Georgian athlete who died during practice.

    All of these athletes represent what all of us ****** to become, the best of what we can be.

    Congratulations to all of the countries involved.

    Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!

    Happy Hour is growing and the $$$$$ goes out...join us on Friday Midnight GMT!

  6. #806
    Senior Investor blues03's Avatar
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    Date: 2/13/2010 00:44
    Batch: 29462549
    From Account: U6060976
    Amount: $44.00
    Memo: PTV Partner Withdrawal # 8918
    HYIPGold - *Earn 300% RCB from HYIP Program Now*
    Safe Depositary | Permanent Profit | Heinx Invest | Eurex Trade

  7. #807
    Senior Investor ravitejag's Avatar
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    2/13/2010 00:44 29462463 U6060976 (PTVW3) + $17.50

  8. #808
    Senior Member
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    Date : 02/15/2010 00:51
    From/To Account : U1388978
    Amount : 62.5
    Currency : USD
    Batch : 2221979
    Memo : API Payment.
    Payment ID : 9156
    Тhanks admin!

  9. #809
    Join Date
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    From the Admin...

    PTV Partner Page – February 13th, 2010


    Monday the 15nd at 4pm GMT (10am CST)
    Wednesday the 17th at midnight GMT (6pm CST)
    Friday the 19th at 3am GMT (Thursday the 25th 9pm CST)

    Blog Articles of the Day:

    Today we will post this one as it's another that many Americans ought to know.

    The Ratification of the 16th Amendment and the assault on Freedom.
    Posted on February 13, 2010 by ptvpartner
    I don’t want to worry you, but historically this is a bad week for freedom.
    Among the worst events, 97 years ago this week a progressive income tax was made possible in the United States. Prior to this time the Federal Government paid all of its bills (including the salaries of congressmen, presidents, federal judges, et al) from the levies and duties it collected. There was no tax on individual citizens.
    For more than 150 years the country was spared a progressive income tax because (a) the Constitution specifically forbade one and (b) the courts upheld the Constitutional prohibition.
    But neither was able to deter the domestic advocates of this plank right out of the Communist Manifesto forever, unfortunately, and on Feb. 3, 1913, the 16th Amendment to the Constitution was ratified. A federal income tax and the authority to enforce it—the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)—soon followed.
    Today, almost a century later, the average American toils for nearly five months to earn the money to pay the federal behemoth. It’s still not enough to balance the books, however, as the national debt is growing by $1.4 trillion a year.
    by Chip Wood, Personal Liberty Support

    Credit Amnesty needed to Aid Recovery: by Roger Fredinburg
    This article is an interesting perspective on aiding the ordinary citizen. See if you agree with the perspective. How do you feel about the idea of bailing out the citizens instead of bailing out the “Big Boys”? I think I know but you can post your comments on the blog or in our forum.

    Support Question of the Day:

    What happens when I join PTV?
    You join and complete stage 1 which includes setting password and security code. You should do this on the classic site. Stage 2 is where you specify answers to security questions. You may also need to reenter your payment processor details.

    Joke of the Day:

    Only in Texas my friends...Only in Texas .....Too bad...
    A lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a sheriff's deputy. He thinks that he is smarter than the deputy because he is a lawyer from New York and is certain that he has a better education then any cop from Houston , TX .He decides to prove this to himself and have some fun at the Texas deputy's expense.
    The deputy says, "License and registration, please."
    "What for?" says the lawyer.
    The deputy says, "You didn't come to a complete stop at the stop sign." Then the lawyer says, "I slowed down, and no one was coming." "You still didn't come to a complete stop," says the deputy. "License and registration, please."
    The lawyer says, "What's the difference?"
    "The difference is you have to come to complete stop, that's the law. License and registration, please!" the Deputy repeats.
    Lawyer says, "If you can show me the legal difference between slow down and stop, I'll give you my license and registration; and you give me the ticket. If not, you let me go and don't give me the ticket."
    "That sounds fair. Please exit your vehicle, sir," the deputy says.
    At this point, the deputy takes out his nightstick and starts smacking the the lawyer's car and says,
    "Do you want me to stop, or just slow down?"
    God Bless Texas

    Start the Experience ... join PTVPartner and ... Free your Life!!!


    The Ultimate High Yield Asset for your Offshore Financial Portfolio!!!
    Start the Experience … join PTVPartner to … Free your Life!!!
    Look forward to seeing all of you at the first meeting of this week...
    Monday the 15nd at 4pm GMT (that's 8am PST,10am CST, and 11am EST)!!!

  10. #810
    Senior Investor's Avatar
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    2/15/2010 01:25 29598721 U6060976 (PTVW3) + $23.00
    Memo: PTV Partner Withdrawal # 9093

  11. Sponsored Links
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