I am not admin.

I am Felix, the admin of a ***** new investment program - Golden Fleece Fund. Golden Fleece Fund is making its soft opening today. While we prepare for promotion over the next few days, we will be accepting members. If you join within the next 72 hours we will also issue a 5% Bonus of your deposit.

The Golden Fleece Fund is a private investment group consisting of traders of precious metals. Our group of investors is diverse. We have a hand in every aspect of the trading of precious metals. In light of the global recession, precious metals are where we find our security "fleece" in the world of investments.

We offer four plans of investment:

Level 1: $25 - $2500 - 2.5% Daily Interest
Level 2: $2501 - $3500 - 3.0% Daily Interest
Level 3: $3501 - $5000 - 3.5% Daily Interest
Level 4: $5001+ - 4.0% Daily Interest

Investment term: 90 Business Days, Principal Returned at End

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