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NOWINV is a private investment club owned and managed by Nowastacks Investments Inc. We have recently expanded our business activities and the world's current financial situation allows us to speculate on specific markets. Funds received from our members are diversified and invested into various financial sectors that generate the profit to sustain the program.

We offer three different investment plans. The first one is "Introduction Plan" and this is more suitable for beginners - minimum to start with is just $5. This plan runs for 5 days and once it matures, you will receive your principal together with a 10% net profit. More serious one is "Professional Plan" and there's a minimum of $50 to participate. Your initial spend together with 30% profit will be available for withdrawing after 10 days. Get the most of your investment by spending your funds into the "Special Plan". The minimum to start here is $100. You will be paid a profit of 60% after 15 days. Maximum amount per deposit is $10,000 and you may have as many deposits as you wish.

For more information about our Business Model and Staff Representatives, follow [this] link.

We're looking forward for questions and ideas you may have.

I am in with 5$
Date 1/19/2010 12:36
Payment mode Account
Batch 27075910
To U0921165 (NOWINV Accounting)
From U1725ххх (Barhyip)
Amount $5.00
Memo Deposit to NOWINV User barhyip