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3.5-4.5% for 50 days, principal not back, include in ROI

Nano-Venture.com is the property of Nano-Venture Limited, a ******* in Nantechnology investments. The company is established in Belize.
Website is the fully automated online interface by which you can anonymously participate in viable investment opportunities made available to you by the Company.
We accept Euros and Dollars currencies. All transactions are handled via Libertyreserve, Perfectmoney or Globaldigitalpay.
Payments are sent automatically to investors e-currency account everyday at 00:00 PM (server time).
In order to provide you with secure service, we use best protections such as SSL encryption, dedicated server DDOS protected and an unique script.
We offer 6% affilate program with referrals commissions paid automatically into your e-currency account.

Accepted LR, PM, GDP; DDoS protection from Koddos

The minimum is $/€ 5 and the maximum is $/€ 100,000 per one deposit.