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We are investing our clients' money to several financial markets, ranging from those we believe to be more conservative (bonds, stock market – blue chip-, large-cap-, mid-cap- companies) to those which involve high risk (FOREX). Besides that, we invest 5-20% of all our clients' money in companies with market capitalization not higher than $100 million (nano- or micro-cap stocks). Growth of these stocks can be enormous, but risk involved is to high for our company to invest all of our assets in this sector.

Brightmore Bronze Investment Plan
Brightmore Bronze Investment Plan is intended for all investors, ready to invest at least $20.

Estimated profits are up to 2,2% bizdaily.

Principal is returned after 100 days.

Brightmore Silver Investment Plan
Brightmore Silver Investment Plan is intended for all investors, ready to invest at least $1,000.

Estimated profits are up to 2,6% bizdaily.

Principal is returned after 100 days.

Brightmore Gold Investment Plan
Brightmore Silver Investment Plan is intended for all investors, ready to invest at least $5,000.

Estimated profits are up to 3,0% bizdaily.

Principal is returned after 100 days.

Brightmore Diamond Investment Plan
Brightmore Diamond Investment Plan is intended for all investors, ready to invest at least $20,000.

Estimated profits are up to 3,4% bizdaily.

Principal is returned after 100 days.
