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Welcome to E-TradersFX a private online investment company. E-TradersFX was founded to provide customers with access to the lucrative global Forex currencies market. Forex is one of the most liquid markets to invest in and involves buying and selling global currencies and receiving profits from the differences in exchange rates. Our customers have the potential to earn very high profits, but as the market is based upon constantly fluctuating currencies, the Forex market can also be risky. E-TradersFX offers a suite of Forex investment programs to fit your needs.

Our customers have found E-TradersFX a rewarding place to invest. Join us now and let us be the key to your success!


105% After 1 Week - Min. Deposit: $10 & Max.: $100
112.5% After 2 Weeks - Min. Deposit: $10 & Max.: $150
129% After 4 Weeks - Min. Deposit: $10 & Max.: $2,500
162% After 8 Weeks - Min. Deposit: $10 & Max.: $10,000
226% After 12 Weeks - Min. Deposit: $10 & Max.: $50,000

[Scipt: Licensed Neversay! Hosted on a Dedicated/DDoS protected server by: Koddos! For better secuirty of the accounts in the program, Positive SSL integrated!]

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