The Blackinvest is a private offshore investment program,which offers you an opportunity to generate an extra income with virtually no work involves at all.We provide members with a stable investment opportunity by investing in various arenas that generate high returns.All deposits and withdrawals are verifies for program security.

About us

The Blackinvest is focused on quality investments and emphasizes risk management and diversification through asset allocation.Our protfolio manages are aggressive,well trained and consist og a global network of forex traders in various timezones for maximum efficiency.

The Blackinvest is not a MLM,No work for you.You invest.We do the work.It's Simple!Refer us to others and receive a bonus!Our support team is available 24 hours a day,No problem too small.

Our programs

The Blackinvest currently maintains one very stable payment plan.We offer you 4 profitable programs.
Speng Amount $7-$200 Daily Profit 9%
Speng Amount $201-$1000 Daily Profit 10%
Speng Amount $1001-$2500 Daily Profit 11%
Speng Amount $2501-$5000 Daily Profit 12%

Referral 7%
All payments are made to your account daily.
Minimum spend is US$7.00 and maximum is $5000.
You may make additional spend as many times as you like.
Alltransactions are handled via e-gold.If you don't have an e-gold account,you need to get one.

Blackinvest HOT