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Today you have a unique opportunity to get profit on investments in Ice Cream and Liquor Ice Cream.

Huge Sales Potential
Ice Cream is a $21.6 Billion Dollar U.S. Growth Industry. The USDA reports that every person in America consumes, 5 gallons of ice cream annually. Mix® Liquor Ice Cream is unique, one-of-a-kind, the only intoxicating ice cream in the World! Isn't it time you start growing your distilled spirits section, too!

High Price Points Deliver High Profits
With high SRPs, year ’round special occasion sales, Traditional peak sales period (May–September), and Holiday sales (October–January), Mix® Liquor Ice Creams are high volume, high profit producers.
Plan ICM Spent Amount ($) Daily Profit (%)
ICM 1 $20 - $100 1.50
ICM 2 $101 - $250 2.00
ICM 3 $251 - $500 2.50
ICM 4 $501 - $1,000 3.00
ICM 5 $1,001 - $5,000 3.50

General Inquiries
[email protected]

Affiliate program
[email protected]

Customer Support
[email protected]

Accepted: LR, PM, Bankwire, GlobalDigitalPay
Referral commission: 8%

Link: http://icecream-money.com

My Deposit:

Date: 10/28/2010 2:34 PM
Batch: 47865496
Sent To: U5232930 (Icecreammoney)
Amount: $101.00
Memo: Deposit to IceCream-Money.com User gold-lister

Thank you.