I'm not admin project.

Our company is engaged in the import of products of light industry of China. The main direction - the purchase and importation of copies of branded clothing factory production otshitoy the catalogs for the further implementation of its retail and wholesale firms in the Russian Federation. From the formation of the order before delivery to customers is 25-30 days. Net profit from a deal is 55-60% depending on the weight of the order, which determines the cost of transportation.

The real work - that's the most important advantage. Demand for branded stuff is growing every day. Everyone wants to look stylish and modern, but few can afford to buy originals. The absolute similarity with the original and make our democratic price merchandise viable alternative for most consumers.

Plan "Basic"
Amount: $ 10 - $ 400
Profit: 1% per day
Duration: 30 days
Plan "Premium"
Amount: $ 400 - $ 2000
Profit: 1.3% per day
Duration: 60 days

Accepted currencies: PM.

Referral commission: 5%

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My Deposit:

Date : 08/31/2011 16:17
From/To Account : U1321106
Amount : -100.00
Currency : USD
Batch : 6117232
Memo : Shopping Cart Payment. mega-hyip.ru.

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