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  1. #231
    Investor chicosan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LynnRE View Post
    Please tell me you really aren't this ignorant.

    It's you that we worry about.

    I wasn't the one who said they were not graudates of Johnson & Wales, the school did.

    What names do you think they registered with?

    I was merely the messenger that said it. I even posted their response to me totally unedited.

    This notion that in the circles they do financial dealings doesn't require them to show their license, or be licensed is nothing more than smoke and mirrors.

    Says YOU!

    If you are acting as a financial advisor, you have to be licensed especially in New York. They do live in New York dont' they? At least they claimed they do. They also have to be licensed with the SEC.

    That's not carved in stone!

    It makes no difference what markets they deal in or trade in or advise in, no exceptions. I didn't make these rules, the SEC did. You have a problem with this fact, take it up with them.

    Funny you should say already has been.

    I merely stated what they so state on their website. This is no my opinion, it is FACT.

    Just because they stated something in their website does not necessarily make it a fact.

    It is my opinion this program is a scam. I have proven they are liars with FACTS, not opinion.

    It's still just YOUR opinion.

    I wasn't the one claiming they graudated with honors from Johnson & Wales, but I was the one who received confirmation they didn't not only not graduate with honors, but didn't even attend. So, if they did, please prove it because the school says they didn't.

    It's quite possible that they attended under a different name.

    Not me. I am not the one who says they have to be licensed, the SEC did. They are not registered nor licensed by the SEC.

    I HAVE BEEN TOLD by a source that actually knows that there are exceptions to that. This is not my opinion, but is a FACT.

    I didn't say it, the SEC did. So if you have a problem with the SEC, take it up with them.

    You really can't separate the difference between someone being the messenger and what you consider their opinion. That's not my problem, that is yours.

    I have NO problem.

    Now I have been totally upfront about none of what they said on their website being the truth. I have proven they lied. So how many lies does it take before you call someone a liar?

    He who is without know the rest.

    The fact you cannot deal that their cover has been blown is not my fault. I guess they never dreamed anyone would actually check them out.

    You call this feeble attempt of yours "checking them out"?

    Well, someone did and they lied about who they are, what they do, and where they received a degree. Deal with it.

    All I have to deal with is the likely payout.

    They have been exposed, and you know it. I can't believe that you are still trying to claim none of these FACTS are real.

    I can't believe that someone would be so sloppy with DD.

    You are either totally delusional, or just too stuborn to admit it. I hope it is the latter.
    We'll see, won't we?

  2. #232
    Senior Investor LynnRE's Avatar
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    Now do you really think anyone is impressed with what you just posted above? Do you really think you were being clever, witty and knowledgeable? Do you realize you are only making yourself look foolish? Do you realize you just lost any credibility you might have had? Do you realize the ship sailed, and you missed it?

    But thanks for proving you are delusional, but funny. Sorry, but you are a legend in your own mind only. When you are ready to deal in reality, let me know. Until then continue to live in your fantasy world.

  3. #233
    Investor chicosan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LynnRE View Post
    Now do you really think anyone is impressed with what you just posted above? Do you really think you were being clever, witty and knowledgeable? Do you realize you are only making yourself look foolish? Do you realize you just lost any credibility you might have had? Do you realize the ship sailed, and you missed it?

    But thanks for proving you are delusional, but funny. Sorry, but you are a legend in your own mind only. When you are ready to deal in reality, let me know. Until then continue to live in your fantasy world.
    YOU would be the last one that anyone could depend on for reality in any form and as far as your credibility.....lololololololol

  4. #234
    Investor Owen Platt's Avatar
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    Chicosan wrote:"I can't believe that someone would be so sloppy with DD."
    Establishing that the alleged master minds behind HCI25 were a couple of probably non-existent frauds, hardly seems like sloppy due diligence.
    One of the first starting point for all DD (non-sloppy variety) is to check out the registered address of a company. Now, in the case of HCI25, where would that be?

  5. #235
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    Quote Originally Posted by Owen Platt View Post
    Chicosan wrote:"I can't believe that someone would be so sloppy with DD."
    Establishing that the alleged master minds behind HCI25 were a couple of probably non-existent frauds,

    Did it ever cross your mind that YOU ARE WRONG?

    hardly seems like sloppy due diligence.
    One of the first starting point for all DD (non-sloppy variety) is to check out the registered address of a company. Now, in the case of HCI25, where would that be?

    Obviously the reason they likely do not want the likes of you to know the exact facts as to their real name and location should be clear to even you.......they don't trust you to handle this info in an honest manner.

  6. #236
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    Why not? - if they are a legitimate company.

  7. #237
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    If HCI25 and, for that matter, all these "pension plans" are legitimate, why is it that they never seem to have any registered place of business?
    Every company has to have a registered office for the receipt of any legal documents that may be filed - your claim, for instance, when they don't pay out!

  8. #238
    Senior Investor LynnRE's Avatar
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    Owen: Never argue with someone who is delusional, they are better at it than you are. It is like wrestling with a pig. One of you is going to get dirty, and the pig likes it.

  9. #239
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    Quote Originally Posted by LynnRE View Post
    Owen: Never argue with someone who is delusional, they are better at it than you are. It is like wrestling with a pig. One of you is going to get dirty, and the pig likes it.
    It's nice to hear that YOU like it.

  10. #240
    Senior Investor LynnRE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chicosan View Post
    It's nice to hear that YOU like it.
    Ah, the mental midget speaketh.

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