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    Default The Greatest Programme Ever!!

    Hi everyone.....


    85,000 members already joined so HURRY UP!!!

    Global Pension Plan

    GLOBAL PENSION PLAN (GPP) is a project where a wealthy financier plans to invest $12 billion in old age pension insurances. Therefore GPP is looking for 100,000 persons that will sign up for one policy each while the financier covers the cost of an average of $41,000. The stipulation is that the financier then can buy the policy back for $120,000. As a member you will then get $55,000 when the project reaches 100,000 policies.

    GPP EVEN OFFERS A SECOND INCOME OPPORTUNITY. If you help the project by promoting the policies a Loyalty Program Bonus will be paid with $2,000 for every new policy, 12 levels deep. Please notice that there is no requirement to promote the policies. Even the Loyalty Program Bonus will be payed out after that GPP has reached the target of 100,000 policies.

    A summary of the costs for the financier looks like this:
    Average cost for one policy: $41,000 (x 100,000 = $4.1 billion)
    Payout to each member: $55,000 (x 100,000 = $5.5 billion)
    Loyalty Program Bonus, $2,000 x 12 levels $24,000 (x 100,000 = $2.4 billion)
    TOTALLY: $120.000 (x 100,000 = $12 billion)

    To be part of this project you only have to pay an administration fee of €30 [ie about USD 38], which even includes a complete Offshore Banking Solution. You can be no more than 66 years old to get the payout of $55,000, but there is no limit to how young you can be. But if you are older than 66 years you can still promote the policies and get Loyalty Program Bonus. Every family member can sign up for a policy, any nationality can join.

    BUT CAN YOU REALLY SELL AN OLD AGE PENSION INSURANCE? In most parts of the world you can´t do that. But this is a special kind of old age pension insurance called Endowment Policy. It is very common in Great Britain and some other parts of the world. In those areas an Endowment policy is equal to other valuable documents as stocks, options and others and can be sold or pledged in the same way. In Great Britain there is a lot of Insurance Brookers that almost just works with this kind of policies, and these are even traded on the London Stock Exchange. (Please go to Google and search for Endowment Policy).


    THE FINANCIER, for sure, has to pay out a lot of funds for a while, but when the person who signed up for the policy becomes 67 years old, the financier will get payed $200,000. A profit of $80,000 for each policy and a total of $8 billion.

    THE MEMBERS will get $55,000 each plus that they will share the $2.4 billion of the Loyalty Program Bonus.

    THE iNSURANCE COMPANY will get an average of $41,000 for each policy, a total of $4.1 billion. Then their traders will have an average of 33 years to make the funds grow until they have to do the payout of $200,000 on each policy. In fact the funds will grow much more than that, and of course these Endowment Policies would not exist if the insurance company would not make any profit.

    So no one will loose! This is just perfect business where ALL parties involved will make money!!

    BUT IS THERE NO RISK TO LOSE YOUR MONEY? As with almost all business there is no guarantee that this project will succeed. So there is always a risk that you can lose your €30. The only ’consolation’ is that everybody else also does. Either will EVERYONE gain at least $55,000, or either will EVERYONE lose €30.

    There are no other alternatives!

    But the question you should ask yourself is: ”Can I afford NOT to be in it? Can I really resist the opportunity to, with great probability, gain at least $55,000 with a fee of just €30?”

    BUT IS THIS REALLY TRUE, ISN´T IT JUST A SCAM? To get $55,000 for a fee of just €30 [about USD 38] sure sounds too good to be true. But please note that it is not the €30 administration fee that is supposed to grow to $55,000 in just som months. The payout of $55,000 is included in the amount that the finanser is investing. So that is funds that already exists. Trading with Endowment Policies has been going on for many years. Similar projects has been successful before and paid out as promised. The financier in this project has experience from similar trading before, yet on a smaller scale. There are people with long business experience that have been following the progress of GPP for a while that think it looks very promising. The support and technicians are developing the system all the time and always do what they promise to. The openness they have shown to the members tells that the staff is both professional and serious.

    BUT ISN´T IT VERY COMPLICATED? No, absolutely not! If you are satisfied with the payout of $55,000 you don´t have to do any work at all, maybe take an hour to learn a little about how it works. But if you want to take advantage of the Loyalty Program Bonus, and in that way earn more money, you have to present GPP to others and that might take some time. But the reward of $2,000 for every new policy in 12 levels makes it well worth the effort. The good thing is that you are helping yourself by helping others! And the more members that help us reach our goal of 100,000, the faster we will get our funds! Ask the person who told you about GPP to help you with the registration and show you how to go on.

    If you want to take a look on the site, just go to Global Pension Plan

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