Hello Folks:

I happen to have 8 different eMail accounts - 5 of them YAHOO! and 3 of them GOOGLE (GMail). Along with many other people, after having some past issues with YAHOO!, my YAHOO! eMail accounts (along with their Groups) are doing OK now, but I still have a question. I'm trying to insert several still/GIF images in the signatures (NOT AVATARS) of my eMail addresses - just to be a little fancy. I already have the desired visuals that I want; it's just that when I insert these visuals in my sig(nature) tab on each of my eMail accounts, they will stay visible for just a little while, but then they eventually disappear. I once used Fotki to help put these various pictures in my sig(nature) spaces, but nowadays, Fotki is no longer free. Are there any other alternatives that will help keep my desired visuals in their intended sig spaces? If any one reading this knows the answer, then please inform me as soon as you can. Thank you very much!
