I've joined benefits and work so am doing okay with the form for the most part, except the managing treatments question.
I have neuro and physical disabilities, which I am hopeless at managing but I don't know how to evidence this or more to the point evidence how much time I ought to be spending on the therapies (should I actually have support to do so), which is what they're asking. It's a variety of things from taking painkillers regularly, which would only take a minute at a time, or occasionally icing up a sprained/pulled muscle to things I need to be doing to help me cope with adhd and autism, which I'm struggling to explain or even understand what counts as therapy/ managing treatments. I'm meant to do physical exercise/stretches and OT gave me loads of good suggestions for neuro issues of which only a few methods do I know to employ without requiring prompting but its all the other stuff I forget to do however, I am at a loss as to how much time in a day it all equates to, to enable me to answer the pip question properly. And I'm getting more and more discombobulated the more I try to think! Can anyone explain it to me?